Black Blocg website is now illegal in Russia; how to bypass the block

from blackblocg:

Dear comrades!

We should inform you, that our blog is included in Federal List of Extremist Materials in Russia. This is the first time, when anarchist resource is officially recognized as “extremist” in Russia. So the most of Russian Internet providers have closed an access to Black Blocg now and people from our country should use Tor or VPN to enter it. We are proud to see such “recognition” of our struggle’s significance. We will continue honorably our way to Freedom and Anarchy, revolta continua!

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Mexico: On the latest communique from ITS

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

After reading the latest text published by the group Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) (on the portal, we want to make the following analysis. Firstly in order to go a little deeper about this group’s action, and secondly to continue with the work of spreading ideas against the development of the technoindustrial system. The logic of what this group stated in their seventh communique in point VI is influential: “in order to plot an effective struggle against the Techno-industrial System, these kinds of texts have to be made public, as well as analysis and (self) criticism that lead to reflection, rejection and confrontation,” we find these lines important, and this is why we make this kind of analysis public. Continue reading

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Note by Liberación Total on the arrest and imprisonment of Victor Montoya

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

In light of the communique from the Friends of Gunpowder claiming responsibility for the bombing inside the cops’ sleeping quarters, it is clear that the police are again making use of the strategy of accusing the youth with a determined profile Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for the bombing against the police precinct in Las Vizcachas

From liberaciontotal, translated by waronsociety:

For centuries they have slowly and surely been building a death machine, with individual comfort, submission, and cowardice comprising the main motor. That for the eyes of the stupid humans, those who turn the other cheek, who also fall silent and forget whichever re-occurring and existent misery, is impenetrable and indestructible. This is all continually accomplished with the inevitable support of Judges, prosecutors, and lawyers; Politicians, business owners, and cops; Professors, scientists, and Continue reading

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Chile: Court of Appeals upholds house arrest for Carla and Ivan – they stay out of prison.

from materialanarquista with elrefractario, transl waronsociety:

The prosecutor and Ministry of the Interior are appealing the complete house arrest in which compañeros Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo are still being held.

On Feb the 8th the appeals court of San Miguel, in a specific ruling, decided the compañeros would continue to be held under complete house arrest. Continue reading

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“When the Fire of Anarchy Nourishes Our Hearts” – Letter from Tortuga on his solidarity fast from house arrest

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: On August 7th, after the verdict made against Tortuga allowed him to leave the prison, which they reaffirmed on August 15th when he was sentenced to 6 years of “supervised freedom.” Now he is on total house arrest. From this space we greet the comrade and his tremendous conviction to continue to fight.

When the Fire of Anarchy Nourishes Our Hearts
When Borders, Languages, and Prisons Cannot Separate Us

September 10, 2012

I write with a bit of hunger, with an empty stomach but a satisfied heart, although of course I would never compare my hunger with what other compañerxs must be going through. Today, Monday September 10th, 2012, on house arrest, I declare a 48-hour solidarity fast (September 10 and 11); I believe it necessary to explain the reason why I chose two days to take this measure and of course also why I choose the fast as an instrument of struggle on this occasion. Continue reading

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Nota de Individualidades tendiendo a lo salvaje

recibimos y publicamos:

Mediante este pequeño mensaje, Its se responsabiliza del sobre con contenido incendiario, que le detonó a un curioso trabajador de una empresa ligada al Servicio Postal Mexicano (Sepomex), la tarde del 21 de Febrero del presente año. Continue reading

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Note from Liberación Total on the recent communique from ITS

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

In the face of a new communique from ITS we cannot remain silent. And we want to begin by recognizing something that for us has grown qualitatively from this group of action, and that is Respect. We believe that at one time their analysis and reflections had an arrogant inclination. And before continuing we want to make clear that haughtiness, pride and arrogance are completely necessary in this war but against the enemy;  Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva transferred again

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Not only are they keeping the compañero in FIES-5*, they are denying him visitors and hindering his communication… it seems for them nothing is enough, and now they have taken him even farther from Galicia**, transferring him from Soto del Real to Villena, Alicante. Continue reading

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Mexico: A brief note from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

we receive and translate, communique:

By means of this short message, ITS claims responsibility for the envelope with incendiary contents which detonated on a curious worker of a business linked with the Mexican Postal Service (Sepomex) on the afternoon of February 21 of this year. Continue reading

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Paris, France: ATMs Sabotaged in Solidarity with Prisoners

from Brèves du désordre, transl waronsociety:

During the night of Sunday, February 11th, lonely, I strolled the streets of Paris. After applying a few shots of super glue to the supermarket on the corner, being a spirit in pain, I began searching for joy. Fifteen or so ATMs on Belleville Street found themselves unable to operate due to the glue in their card slots. Continue reading

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Belgium: Four vehicles burned in Gilly

from the press via cettesemaine, transl waronsociety:

Three cars and a truck belong to the same company were burned during the night from Sunday to Monday in Gilly. The investigation is being conducted by the local police of Charleroi. Continue reading

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“Unconfined” – Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety:


Another night, one more day of feeling,
of talking with myself, again I go back to the case of “justice.”
I could only look through the cloudy glass.
Seeing the streets, the people reduced to a plastic routine.
Somewhere, I remember someone,
I remember my companions,
remember who I am, what I live for, why I live. Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive attack against the Mexican Counsel of Science and Technology

from solidaridadmario, transl waronsociety, communique:

August 27, 2012

Being that this is an action of the Anti-Civilization Faction of the Earth Liberation Front, it strikes us as necessary to express how we understand vindicating “liberation,” since we act without a utopian spirit and not under any condition of “revolutionary” schemes. Still believing that only struggle makes us free, it strikes us as aggravating to continue in  technological daily life under the human-centric and symbolic culture that gives life to civilization. It is unnecessary to mention that on a civilized planet, freedom (like anything else) is not transcendent, we know that explosions and arsons claimed for “liberation” are not enough for us to enjoy the pleasure of total liberation! It is not enough to make attempts against targets, since the “target” must be life itself, our life, and so any liberatory action or attempt can pass for wanting to build a civilization, thus restricting freedom any all designs for emancipation. Continue reading

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