Chile: Chronology from some of the arrested of the harassment at the Pandemia space in Temuco

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

The aim of making the facts known is not to feed the spectacle, but rather to clear up what happened and to denounce the fucking police in their repressive assault that morning. This telling was made by the compañeros who were in the men’s cages and despite communicating with each other by shouting, we do not know what the compañeras were feeling at the time of being locked up and psychologically pressured by the bastard lackeys. Also we unlink Rodrigo Ovando from this telling and the communique since he was only passing by the place at the time of the raid. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique from the Pandemia social center in Temuco

 from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety, communique:

Today, March 30th 2013, and after the raiding of the PANDEMIA space and particular houses, and the following imprisonment of 5 compañerxs the individuals who make up the Pandemia space have decided to give the following opinion: Continue reading

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Chile: Actions at Macul and Grecia, USACH and the Academy before March 29

WOS note: Due to the excessive jargon of some of the communiques and that they express positions we don’t really share anyway we present excerpts and move on to other things.

excerpts from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Monday the 25th: Macul and Grecia

On the eve of a new commemoration of the “Day of the Combatant Youth”… from the former Pedagogico as well as the Juan Gómez Millas campus this Monday March 25th encapuchados went out to establish memory as a weapon of struggle and vindication… Continue reading

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Reactivation communique from Viva La Anarquía

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

We always have been and will continue
on the path of freedom…

On various problems presenting themselves in our daily lives, we have had to prioritize our interests. Clearly our interest recently has been something other than being in front of computers updating this counter-information website. Continue reading

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Mexico: Communique for bus arson, package bomb to PAN, and Telmex sabotages in Oaxaca

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

“Insurgent youth will put an end to reformist youth”
– excerpt from the communique of the Leon Czolgosz Autonomous and Destructive Forces

“The secret is to really begin…. In such a direction, the method of spreading attacks is a form of struggle that carries a different world within it.” – At Daggers Drawn

“The etymological sense–‘absence of government’–is enough for me. The spirit of authority and the prestige of law must be destroyed. That is all.” -Rafael Barrett

We come from the darkness in which we live and in which we unfold, under the night stars we slip like shadows passionately seeking permanent conflict, the direct clash with authority and the pursuit of the anarchist idea as a libratory praxis that intends to bury the established. We make ourselves eternal and at the same time we materialize our dreams heavy with love and hatred in rabid shouts that strike at the enemy. Continue reading

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Chile: Words from José Miguel Sánchez to all the comrades and underground action groups of the world

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

To the conscious minds who fight in the struggle in the street around the globe…

It is so naive to think about a generalized rebellion when what the poor people have done for centuries has been to submit themselves to norms and be passive waged slaves, with passive bodies, making the dominant class as well-stocked as ever, dictating norms and laws made for it to keep enriching itself with the consent of a people used to being submissive to the point of stupidity, always hoping for a crumb for their submissiveness. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique for incendiary device placed under a car outside the 22nd Carrascal substation in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

On a full moon night Wednesday March 27 on the eve of a new anniversary of the “Combatant Youth.” We decided to go for the arson of a car in front of the entrance to the Quinta Normar police station located at Carrascal and Embajador Gómez. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for arson of luxury vehicles in a bourgeois neighborhood and in a mall auto dealership in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

On a Sunday in December [2012] we quickly infiltrated a wealthy neighborhood of Las Condes (across from the Upper Las Condes Mall) and burned two of their cars with a device that gave us time to escape. Continue reading

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France: Statement from Mike on his release from prison

from nonfides, translated by waronsociety:

On March 9, 2013, I got out of prison. This follows almost 4 years of repressive procedures related to an explosion in May 2009 in Chambéry in which my companion Zoé died and where I was seriously injured. Continue reading

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Chile: Fenix Ahumada, sentenced to 301 days for carrying a molotov in 2008, remains in prison for the Pisu Pisue estate arson

from publicacionrefractario via liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

The compañero Fenix Ahumada Delgado was arrested at the end of 2008 accused under the anti-terrorist law of trying to burn trucks in the Temuco bypass. Fenix was arrested that night after a molotov cocktail was thrown at a police radio squad and they found drums of combustible material, tires, slings and balaclavas… The prosecution guessed their objective was to attack a forestry truck. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for incendiary attacks on a hundred luxury cars in Buenos Aires in early 2013

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

In the face of the discouraging panorama produced by the satisfied slaves who wander through the city of Buenos Aires relating to each other mechanically, we decided to continue with the chaotic offensive, attacking and destroying everything that oppresses us daily. No longer of any use are pretty words that try to make the anarchist ideology another option that the cowardly and alienated human beings can add and take refuge in to find salvation for their miserable pathetic lives. Continue reading

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Chile: Action for a new March 29th at the university in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: See that what follows is not a claim of responsibility, only a particular version of the events. The photos are compiled from a large number of places and we chose them because they do not identify the individuals. Continue reading

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Chile: March 8th, International (Combatant) Women’s Day in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: We have mentioned on several occasions that we are not interested in monothematic terms or struggles like “feminism” (much less radical feminism). Because when we speak of Human Liberation, we speak of being against the exploitation of people, slavery, rape, racism, sexism, and a long etcetera. Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from Fenix Lafken, a months-old child in clandestinity for wanting to live a free and wild life

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: Fenix is a child who was kidnapped by the police from his dad and mom’s hands. The reason? Refusing to have the baby enrolled in the registry and traditional medicine, which annihilates and weakens the human being, making one dependent on medicine and drugs. His mother and father decided not to give him vaccines and not submit him to this system’s normalization and quantification. Today Fenix, in complicity with the ones who brought him to life, is far from the jaws and control of civilization. Continue reading

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