URGENT: FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas against anarchists in Northwest United States

from greenisthenewred:

As I’ve been reporting on Twitter, there have been multiple homes raided and grand jury subpoenas issued in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle. Continue reading

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Cleveland 5 – Anthony Hayne will testify against his co-defendants

from the press:

AKRON, Ohio — One of five men charged with plotting to bomb an Ohio highway bridge pleaded guilty Wednesday and agreed to testify against his co-defendants. Continue reading

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Italy: Communique for incendiary attacks on two banks

from actforfreedom:

Dedicated to those who are in prison, wanted by police, sentenced and searched…. to the anarchists hit by the repressive forces of the State/Capital…

In the night of Wednesday July 18 2012, two banks were attacked in Frascati.
Two molotov bottles and an incendiary device were thrown at the Unicredit bank and the BNL bank.
Unicredit got completely destroyed.
Graffiti were left: EARTH IS WORTH MORE THAN YOUR MONEY and an encircled A. Continue reading

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Letter from Felicity Ryder, who was never arrested with Mario in Mexico City

from parolearmate:

Comrades, friends,

I would have liked to have written earlier, but for various circumstances I haven’t had the chance to yet. I want to send a warm greeting and say thanks to everyone who has worried about me and my situation, to those who have shown solidarity with Mario and I. In these difficult moments it means a lot to have people standing in solidarity from near or from far, even without ever having met me. I sent a revolutionary hug to all of you. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Bank attack in solidarity with Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Doug Wright

from anews:

A Wells Fargo in Seattle had some of its windows broken last night as a small gesture of solidarity with Gabriel Pomba da Silva who is currently imprisoned in Germany and is facing renewed repression under Operation Ardire and with Doug Wright, one of the Cleveland 5, who recently began a hunger strike in Trumbull County Jail in Ohio. Lets not forget our comrades behind bars.

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Kelly Pflug-Back sentenced to 15 months

from anews:

Ontario based anarchist Kelly Rose Pflug-Back appeared in court July 19 to finish sentencing. Pflug-Back, 24, had accepted a non-cooperation plea bargain, pleading guilty to six counts of mischief and one of wearing a disguise with criminal intent. Kelly was sentenced to 15 months in prison. Her sentence is reduced by 4 months to a total of 11 months in prison do to time served. Following her prison time she will be on probation for 3 years. This is after already being on house arrest and strict conditions for nearly a year preceding her trials completion. Continue reading

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Update on Douglas L. Wright’s hunger strike

from anews:

I just wanted to give a quick update on one of the Cleveland 5 prisoner’s (Douglas L. Wright) and a sincere thank you for everyone’s concerns, well wishes, and actions regarding Doug being thrown into solitary and subsequent hunger strike. Douglas is now out of solitary and has ended his hunger strike. This latest bit of bullshit that was hurled his way is over largely due to the simple fact that Doug was finally able to just simply explain what happened to the assistant warden. Continue reading

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San Francisco, CA: Communique for sabotage to MUNI transit construction

from indybay:

Monday July 16th, on the one year anniversary of the murder of Kenneth Harding by SFPD, we put an outbound T train out of commission by splattering paint on it. We wrote, “Vengeance for Kenny” on the train. We sabotaged the construction happening on the N Judah, and we dropped a banner at 7th and Market reading, “Fare Strike for Kenneth Harding/ Fuck the Police.” Continue reading

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Montréal, QC: 7 copcars vandalized

from sabotagemedia:

According to reports from the mass mind-numbing media, on July 11th, a 17 year old comrade was arrested after supposedly vandalizing seven copcars of station 35 in Rosemont, Montreal. Their windshields were broken and “fuck the police” was painted in red.

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Letter from Doug Wright on the start of his hunger strike in solitary confinement (July 7)

from cleveland5justice:

On July 11th the support group received a message from Doug stating that he began a hunger strike on Saturday (7.7.12). The transcribed message is below. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Two banks and a Starbucks smashed

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Last night in Seattle we smashed the windows of two banks and a Starbucks. It is saddening that so many people experience banks as institutions of exploitation yet refuse to take the step of attacking them, as for smashing up a Starbucks, it may be the only Seattle tradition worth continuing since the WTO. Continue reading

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The Final Straw – The Case of the Cleveland 5: The FBI, Entrapment & the construction of Terrorists

From The Final Straw, July 15, 2012:

This week’s conversation features a discussion of the case of the Cleveland 5, anarchists arrested in Ohio on April 30th for allegedly attempting to blow up a bridge. But the case isn’t so simple as idealists independently taking direct and spectacular action against infrastructure. As members of Cleveland 5 Justice (the support group for the defendants) share with us information about the accused, what is known about the alleged infiltrator sent by the FBI to facilitate a terror case (Shaquille Azir), and the significance of the timing of the arrests to coincide with May Day celebrations worldwide and the reawakening of the Occupy Movement in the U.S., we see a widened scope of intrigue and entrapment that fits into a bigger picture of corrupt government and self-serving security services. Continue reading

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Vancouver, BC: Communique for attack on Starbucks

from anarchistnews:

Last night [July 11th] all 6 windows were smashed at a Starbucks and a newspaper box tossed was into the street. This was done in Solidarity with all comrades engaged in the struggle and the o[p]pression from the recent Mayday events and raids. This is the second time in as many weeks its been smashed to shit. Continue reading

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Chile: Communiqué for bombing at Puente Alto Police Courthouse

From Liberación Total (July 10, 2012), translation by This Is Our Job:

What really is the Point?

The point is to show that the pendulum of violence sometimes swings back against those who originally perpetuate the world’s violence.

We simply allow violence to flow in both directions, and we make sure those who support the exploiters accept the consequences. Continue reading

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