Chicago, IL: Update on NATO prisoners Migs and Sabi

from Infoshop:

Lost in all the hype surrounding the NATO 3 and Tinley Park 5, two other anarchist prisoners are languishing in Cook County Jail in need of support. Mark Neiweem (Migs) and Sebastian Senakiewicz (Sabi) are being held on serious charges and exorbitant bail. Both were arrested before the NATO summit on bogus accusations involving explosives. Migs is charged with attempting to purchase pipe bomb ingredients form an informant, while Sabi allegedly plotted to blow up a train bridge. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Action in solidarity with G20 prisoners

from montreal counter-info:

The month of June, 2012 marks two years since the G20 summit in Toronto and the courageous resistance shown to it. It also marks the sentencing of our comrade Charles Bicari to seven months behind bars for smashing the windows of two police cars, two stores and an ATM with a hammer. To mark the occasion, we spent a few evenings spreading anti-system and solidarity slogans with the G20 prisoners in the streets of Montreal. Continue reading

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Statement from Mario López

from materialanarquista, transl slackbastard:

Hello dear comrades, as you already will know (inside and outside of Mexico) I find myself hospitalized due to injuries to my shin, leg, and right arm. At the moment I’m “ok” given the situation, I am concerned about my health and am also concerned about several things which I’ll expand upon in a few points. Continue reading

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Switzerland: Comrade Silvia Guerini released from prison!

from contrainfo:

According to Informa-azione, in the morning of July 4th, 2012, Silvia was released in Chiasso, at the border with Italy. Together with relatives, she headed back home. According to Silvia Billy Costa Liberi, she stepped out of prison without restrictions, after a reduction to 1/3 of her sentence was accepted. Continue reading

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Alex Hundert sentenced and imprisoned; open letter to supporters

from Guelph ABC

On June 26, 2012 Alex Hundert was sentenced to 13.5 months in prison for pleading guilty to counseling mischief over $5,000 and counseling to obstruct police. He is currently being held at the Toronto West Detention Centre in Toronto. Read his open letter to supporters below. Continue reading

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Luciano Pitronello – The abyss does not stop us

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

The abyss does not stop us. Communique at one year after the Bombing that almost cost me my life

First days of June, 2012

To the conscious rebels; to my companions scattered across the world:

A little more than a month has passed since everything changed for me that cold predawn of June 1st last year, and I believe that to not declare myself about it would be to play along with the game that has me here prisoner in the hospital of the Santiago 1 prison, and it would be a dishonor to myself, but above all to you my dear compañerxs who worry about me. Continue reading

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Italy: Brief note from Tomo on a couple of questions

from parolearmate, transl waronsociety:

I have felt the necessity to write this brief reflection regarding two communiques that I have read thus far by those seeking to “defend” the persons involved in various operations (in this case, the recent Operation “Ardire”) and send solidarity (often putting their hands up and immediately disassociating from any acts or attacks, letting everyone know that “they have nothing to do with it”). Continue reading

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Mexico: Legal and medical situation of Mario López

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

After having suffered various serious wounds of burns on the arm and leg from the accidental explosion of a device, the comrade is interned in the Rubén Leñero General Hospital, they have made operations to graft skin on both parts, in the case of his leg they had to intervene surgically due to damage to an artery that, in an extreme case, carries the risk of being amputated. The compa remains conscious. Continue reading

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Chile: Two explosive attacks on police stations

from the press, via lt, transl waronsociety:

Two explosive attacks happened in less than eight hours to two police stations in Santiago, located in downtown and in Central Station. In neither of the attacks were any leaflets found vindicating the action, nor was anyone wounded or arrested.

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URGENT: Comrade injured by blast (Mexico)

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Two explosions in different parts of the south of Mexico City happened in the night hours. The first at 501 Picacho Ajusco, corner of Cartos (Ampliación Miguel Hidalgo neighborhood). An homemade explosive device went off at 11:37 PM Tuesday June 26 in a payment area of the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE). The ceiling, furniture and windows were broken, and an ATM was damaged. Continue reading

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Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire”

from theanarchistlibrary:

Here at the library we don’t usually publish such statements and communiques, mainly because there are plenty of other places where solidarity can be expressed. Anyway, this time we want to express our unconditional solidarity to the comrades struck by the repression in Italy and elsewhere, following the shooting of Adinolfi. Continue reading

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Anonymous – “My boys, The Cleveland 5”

from anews:

This rant I hope you’re about to read is an amalgamation of strong emotions and revelations regarding my comrades, the Cleveland 5, since this nightmare started. I would like to start by dispelling any misunderstandings folks may have of the boys. I call them boys because I’m quite a bit older than most of them. Except for Tony, most feel like sons to me. I never had the pleasure of meeting Tony but my entire family knows him well and vouches for him. Tony was going to fix my roof this summer. Tony, I’m going to just keep jamming old shirts in that hole in the roof. It will be waiting for you when you get out. Hurry. Continue reading

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Argentina: Attacks on bourgeois and private security cars in Buenos Aires

from vivalaanarquia, transl thisisourjob:

On Threats and Barking Dogs

For more than obvious reasons, we find ourselves obligated to analyze the situation here on the banks of the River Plate and thus clarify a few points that, to our understanding, deserve mention. Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Communique for sabotage of Duke Energy trucks

from anews:

Duke Energy is responsible not only for relentless rate increases that seriously affect poor people in United States, but for mega-development land projects against the poor in countries that white people here seldom remember. This is why we sabotaged four of their meter-reader trucks in Bloomington, Indiana; it was easy, fun, and will hopefully slow down their exploitation for at least a moment. Continue reading

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