Chile: Bombs case political trial update February 20 to March 2

from solidaridadporlxpresxs, translated by waronsociety:

Once having finished reviewing the site of the same event of the comrade Mauricio Morales’ death, it’s worth saying photographs, experts, police witnesses who came to the scene, they began to present evidence of the supposed “links” with this attempted attack which the prosecution wants to accuse the comrade Felipe Guerra of. Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive device goes off by the Santiago Justice Center (updated)

from the press, 12 march 2012, via culmine, transl waronsociety:

An explosive device went off on Monday night on a side of the Santiago Justice Center. The apparatus exploded at around 11:50 PM in the vicinity of the courthouse, located in the southern central sector of the capitol, meters from Route 5 South. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Communique for action in solidarity with Eat and Billy

from negasi, translated from the Spanish by waronsociety:

In Solidarity with Eat and Billy, Anarchist Prisoners in Indonesia

Strength to Reyhard Rumbayan and Augusto Billy, insurrectionary anarchist prisoners in Indonesia.

This may be a minimal action in solidarity with Eat and Billy, however the commitment to the anarchist goals of the FAI-FRI is permanent, in the struggle against the system in concrete terms, and that is what counts, solidarity now for […] those who show themselves in solidarity and affinity to determined struggles are persecuted and sentenced. Continue reading

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Announcing Never Alone, long-term anarchist prisoner support tour, April 2012

from Never Alone Tour:

It’s 2012. The world is ending. So what are we at Sacramento Prisoner Support and Marie Mason Support Crew gonna do? Go on an epic road trip to talk about prisoner support, of course! Because unless we actually make this the last year of their world, our comrades will still be in there the next. Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Microphone demo on the fourth anniversary of Marie Mason’s arrest

from anews:

Last Friday [9 March] in Bloomington, 15 of us held a microphone demo to honor Marie Mason on the fourth anniversary of her arrest. This was also the first demo organized in People’s Park since Occupy Bloomington was evicted in early January. Continue reading

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Australia: Anarchist vandals salute Lambros Foundas

from Sydney Indymedia:

In the early hours of the 10th of March, exactly two years since Lambros Foundas was gunned down by uniformed pigs in the street of Athens, some anarchist vandals targeted the Marrickville branch of the Beirut Hellenic Bank. Continue reading

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Russia: Black Blocg report of last 2 months of radical struggle

from blackblocg:

Social tension in Russia seems to be descending, but nevertheless the level of people’s resistance including direct action and sabotage remains comparatively high. Many people wait for a new wave of struggle in late spring or summer. Anarchists try to participate appreciably in this movement, but there is obvious necessity to act more organized and strongly to take a chance of spreading anarchist ideal and practice. Continue reading

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Italy: Mussolini’s crypt in Predappio vandalized with anti-fascist graffiti

translated from culmine by B.pd/act for freedom now:

On 26th November 2011, following an antifa direct action graffiti were left and paint was thrown at the entrance of Mussolini’s crypt in the graveyard of Predappio (Italy). A few days later the local press received the claim written with stencil. Continue reading

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Argentina: Communique for arson of luxury cars in Buenos Aires

from culmine, translated by waronsociety:


The motivations that the thought control media demand of us are expressed in every one of the public communiques that we sent through the websites of the state and capitalism, and also those that spread the practice of anarchy, called total liberation. Continue reading

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San Francisco, CA: Communique for attack on Greek consulate

from anews:

On the evening of March 8th we attacked the Greek Consulate General on Gough Street in the city of San Francisco. We painted the phrase ‘LONG LIVE ANARCHY’ on the street-facing garage doors and cracked the front windows with rocks. The windows were heavily reinforced, owing no doubt to the paranoia and fear the Greek state feels in every direction and in every country. Continue reading

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Italy: FAI/IRF Antisocial Nucleus claims explosive attack against bank in Rome (edit)

WOS note: At this time the available images of the letter claiming the attack are too small for us to read and attempt a translation. WOS note 2: Correction: originally we reported the target was a tax office, apparently it was actually an MPS Bank branch.

from the press (9 March 2012) via culmine, translated by waronsociety:

Explosion Monday night in Rome, in front of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank branch on Via Prati. The letter, signed by Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front – Antisocial Nucleus, was seized by Digos agents; it is under investigation. Continue reading

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Week of March 20: International Days of Solidarity Actions with Luciano Pitronello

from culmine:

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Chile: Riots after the “International Woman’s Day” march in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, translated by waronsociety:

Will will limit ourselves to just publishing some photos of the riots that happened yesterday Thursday March 8th, after the march for the International Woman’s Day.

Riots and clashes happened at La Moneda, in the Plaza de la Ciudadania, and on one side of the General Police Headquarters , where barricades were set on fire on the majority of the surrounding streets, commericial stores were stoned and especially the banks of the area including the looting a ScotiaBank and a Santander Bank using the things inside for the barricades. A “Hola” gas station was destroyed along with a Transantiago bus which they tried to burn. All this done by the maladapted of always, the “known unknowns” of always, THE HOODED ONES… Continue reading

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New poster: Tortuga, you will always remain wild and free (updated with spanish)

we receive and publish:

click here to download the pdf (5.2 MB, 11×17″) Continue reading

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