Portland, OR: World Trade Center building hit with molotov cocktail

UPDATE (11/10/11): Police arrested David J. Hodson at the Occupy Portland camp on suspicion of responsibility for the attack.

from the bourgeois press:

Police said a Molotov cocktail was set off in an exterior stairwell at the World Trade Center in downtown Portland tonight, and they believe protesters at Occupy Portland might be responsible.

Someone called 9-1-1 to report the incident about 9:10 p.m., said Lt. Robert King, a spokesman for the Portland Police Bureau. No one was hurt, but a fire caused some damage to the stairs, which are between two escalators.

“We’re very fortunate that a larger fire didn’t occur. These devices are completely unpredictable and destructive — we’re very fortunate that no one was injured,” King said.

Police have been investigating reports since Oct. 31 that a person or group of people at the downtown Occupy Portland encampment has been making or storing Molotov cocktails, King said. Detectives didn’t release the information to protect their investigation.

But preliminary information received tonight suggested there was a link between the camp and the makeshift bomb thrown at the World Trade Center, King said.

Portland police Chief Mike Reese has been notified, and King said Reese was going to inform Mayor Sam Adams of the incident.

“Molotov cocktails just present this really clear danger to anybody and everybody,” King said. “We’re obviously taking this very seriously.”

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Joint declaration of the insurrectional anarchist and eco-anarchist groups of Mexico

from culmine, translated by war on society:

To the anarchist comrades of Mexico and of the world,

To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity of Mexico and of the world,

To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity everywhere:

Greetings, imprisoned brothers and sisters in Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Chile, Spain, United States, Greece, Italy, England, Switzerland, and the world!

Greetings to all who fight for Total Liberation!

On very few occasions, we have been obliged to release joint statements or communiques, and the rare times that we have done so it has been as internal circulation to socialize and discuss themes of interest or to elaborate critique from our experience of struggle, or to address and resolve discrepancies, and to manifest the informal coordination of our actions. Likewise, for some time we have preferred to avoid declarations and generic claims that can signal or incriminate comrades who develop from anarchism another method of struggle and perform different tasks openly, away from the direct confrontation that we have taken up. However, there are exceptions when specific conditions and particular situations arise, issues and problems that demand a public statement, a communique, a call. This is one of those exceptions, and what now we make is, precisely, a call.

Year by year, from insurrectional and eco-anarchist approaches and from the coordination of actions, we have appealed to overcome entrenched strategies that only contribute to immobilization and foment the spectacle manipulated by the media of mass alienation. We have been strong critics (consistent with our theoretical and practical approaches) of the lamentable simulacrum to which those who insist on the innocuous marches and pink-disguised-as-black protests reduce the struggle. We believe that the struggle, the social war against the system of domination, against its defenders, its representatives and lackeys, requires antagonistic creativity and the constant search for new forms of confrontation. Every October 2nd, we insist that it is a day that we (by fighting) commemorate the students who fell in the massacre of the Plaza de Tlatelolco, but that it is another day in the calendar of accounts to vindicate in everyday struggle, in permanent conflictuality, in daily combat of social war. We recognize struggle in the streets as one of the many creative forms of confrontation, but when we speak of struggle in the streets we cannot resort to that reduction of the term to permitted and policed marches where the route is assigned in advance and good behavior is required, imposed by those same march “comrades,” by the “revolutionary” police ready to accuse us as “provocateurs” and “thugs” upon the least intention of straying from the script. What we understand as struggle in the streets is what the comrades develop in Chile and Greece, or the furious revolts unleashed in Albania, Egypt, England and Syria, where they made a leap into struggle absolutely irrecuperable by the institutional forces of power, overwhelming civil protest and expropriating the armories of the police stations, attacking the repressive bodies, destroying the symbols of capital and the State and burning everything in their path. That is the struggle in the streets, and if the opportunity presents itself, anarchists should always be present to extend the revolt, increase the rage against domination and transform it into generalized insurrection. Anarchy is realized in each attack against domination. Nevertheless, against this evidence the immobilists always argue the shortcomings, the lack of “revolutionary maturation,” the absence of “objective and subjective conditions,” in order to continue with the spectacle and the simulacrum that allows them to feed the pose of the “revolutionary” by uploading photos to the social networking sites wielding the black flag, waving the banner, or sharing air face to face with the pigs.

Was, then, the antagonist movement “ripe” under a totalitarian regime like that which reigned in Syria? Was it ripe in Albania? In Egypt? Were the “objective and subjective” conditions provided in the orderly and well-guarded city of London? Perhaps they are provided in Chile? No, comrades. It was definitively the rage, both individual and collective, the rebellious will, the antagonistic vocation, which made the difference. On multiple occasions we have appealed, from different notices, to abandon the marches, protests and sit-ins to make way for other forms of struggle, to intensify the attack, to increase antagonism and extend the social war, demonstrating that it is possible, here and now, to go on the insurrectional offensive. We have done it not from the posture of the vanguard nor from the single organization nor from tactical unity; we have done it from the informal coordination of struggles, from the absolute autonomy of groups, from the combative individuality, encouraging the formation of nuclei, cells, collectives, affinity groups, coordinations, alliances, multiform and diverse configurations which advocate from their own structures or from individuality, permanent conflict, direct confrontation, social war without quarter and without truce. However, today we do not call for the abandonment of the marches for the same reasons as always, although we have not changed our reading of struggles.

Today we call to not participate in the march on the coming October 2nd because the most brutal repression against the anarchist movement of Mexico is being prepared. We call to not participate because at the very moment in which we write this call, the greatest frame-up against anarchism in memory is being forged. And this sinister operation is being forged in the logistics sector of the Secretary of Public Security of Mexico City (Distrito Federal) and Mexico City Government’s offices of “connection,” in complicity with leaders of the student movement and the so-called popular movement, today at the service of the “progressive and democratic left” that robs, represses and imprisons under the slogan “the poor first,” while it builds the government of “hope.” This repressive trick is joined by (as always) the Stalinists, who prepare to “clean the streets of anarchists” and “blow them off the map” by means of the eviction of spaces won during prolonged struggles.  We know that they have names and addresses of comrades who do not have the least connection with our actions nor have relation with our organic configurations, however, in their minds and in their vertical conceptions, they identify them as “leaders” of anarchism. For those of us who chose, from firm anarchist convictions, the path of attack and the frontal struggle, this new frame-up does not take us by surprise.

We have been awaiting it for the past two years. We study and we follow with attention the frame-ups and operations instrumented, with similar strategy, in Chile and Greece, against our companions in cause. We carefully read and analyze all the contributions of their struggles and we take note of their experience. And we learn from the struggles. As the comrades of the Hommodolars Collective of Chile underlined, for those who fight for the destruction of the system of domination and for total liberation, not only is our enemy capital and the State but “it is also those who try to neutralize those who aim at those present themselves as the ‘line’ to follow.” Recently the Stalinists “demonstrate their ‘function’ within the spectrum of… the left? The function clearly of hegemonizing struggles, controlling them and instrumentalizing them.” And they warn us “beware the cops (pigs) in red, their youth and the line they would impose on those forces that fight today.” In the same article, they reproduce a communique from a political organization with which obviously neither the comrades of Hommodolars nor ourselves identify, with their populist and leftists positions, nevertheless, in it they denounce the aggression suffered at the hands of the Stalinists openly at the service of the governmental oligarchy: “students and people broke into the headquarters of the so-called communist party of Chile with the aim of holding a meeting with its board and demanding public apology for its remarks made about our occupation of MINEDUC and UDI, where they insinuated that we were paid by the government to carry out these actions.” And they continue, “To not allow us to interrupt, they met us with close to 70 ‘red pigs’ armed with sticks, knives and brass knuckles. They tried to kick us out of the headquarters, assaulting us brutally… But as we have done each time that the guard dogs of the rich have assaulted the People who struggle, we defended ourselves from the repression, this time from the guard dogs of the rich who say they represent the People. We could give a list of wounded or denounce the brutality exercised against us, but we will not do so because we are not victims and we vindicate each blow that we receive, we returned and will return to our defense and tot he defense of the Struggle…” (http://hommodolars.org/web/spip.php?article4189). This deed obliges us to attune ourselves to the frequency of the recent attacks and slanders directed against anarchist comrades accused of being “paid” by known “red” postures, with the end of creating doubt inside the movement, of increasing divisions between different tendencies of the anarchist struggle and to put known comrades under the spotlight, damaging anarchism before the next attack.

We know that not all who call themselves anarchists (unfortunately) share the same methods nor operate at the same times, but it seems indispensable to us to pause and reflect together in the face of what lies before us. We must be aware that those who are captured by the repressive forces and identified as anarchists will be subjected to the most brutal physical and psychological torture in search of information. They will want these to supply them with names of comrades supposedly involves in direct actions and acts of propaganda by the deed. Those who choose at cost and risk to participate in the march must do so responsibly, without carrying in their backpacks any type of propaganda that identifies them as anarchist, they must not carry arms nor items that can be associated with materials for the construction of explosives or incendiary devices. Nor should they carry agendas, phone numbers or cell phones and if they do, they should take the precaution of wiping the directory and memory or, preferably, buying a new chip and leaving the other in safety.

In the present circumstances it is highly recommended to read another text made by a Chilean libertarian autonomous group with certain insurrectionalist affinity, likewise at Hommodolars (http://www.hommodolars.org/web/spip.php?article4156), also available in the paper Reflexión/Revuelta (http://reflexionrevuelta.wordpress.com/2011/08/25/chile-reflexiones-y-consejos-solidarios-para-la-seguridad-del-accionar-revolucionario/). This text, entitled “Reflections and advice of solidarity for the security of revolutionary action,” collects (beyond whatever theoretical discrepancies) a primer on how to minimize the possibilities of falling into the hands of the enemy and how to maximize our capacity of action in a secure and responsible manner. In this document is a specific section that addresses in great detail the process of infiltration on the part of intelligence and counterintelligence and how these operate in the universities, squats, alternative meeting centers, organizations, etc., and explains the old method of infiltration by bridge, “in which a space, group or objective of minor interest is infiltrated to reach another of greater interest that may be more complex to infiltrate. Some infiltrators can even ‘make a career’ in a space or group of interest, as happened in Chile within the armed organizations” (emphasis added).

As a general rule, open alternative spaces that do not require processes of reference and cross-reference for participation or to incorporate oneself in the initiative (squats, social centers, prisoner support groups, communication media, workshops, community gardens, neighborhood associations, broad platform solidarity campaigns, or multisectoral coordinations) are susceptible to this type of infiltration, for “making a career” and “crossing the bridge” toward the final objective. Comrades: if you insist on taking the street this October 2nd, let us do so in a coordinated manner, showing our teeth and unleashing the struggle in the streets favoring confrontation and destroying all the symbols of domination. Let us go, then, ready for unprecedented frontal combat. Let us prepare everything needed to secure a certain response. But, even with every preparation, we would have all the repressive machinery expecting us and in the rearguard we would be at the mercy of the Stalinist thugs. So let’s be creative, let us allow our imaginations to fly and let us undertake the frontal struggle against the system of domination with a minimum of risk and causing a maximum of damage. We do not have to limit ourselves to participating in the march, securing victory for the enemy from beforehand. Let us bring back the night and make it our accomplice. Let the gunpowder blast, the gasoline burn, the centers of power burst, let us fire everything that burns, destroy the symbols of domination, tear down the ivory towers, demolish every wall.

Strength, comrades incarcerated for the “Bombs case”!

Strength, imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!

Strength, comrade Tortugo!

Strength, comrade Tamara! Strength, comrade Gabriel!

Against the technological system of domination!

For the demolition of the prisons!

For the destruction of everything that dominates us!

For Total Liberation!

For international anarchist coordination!

For Anarchy!

May it light up the night!

*Anonymous Anarchist Action/Informal Anarchist Federation (AAA/FAI)

*Revolutionary Action Brigades for Propaganda by the Deed and Armed Action  Simón Radowitzky (BARPHAA-SR)

*Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis Guerrero/Informal Anarchist Federation (CARI-PG/FAI)

*Informal Anarchist Revolutionary Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (CRIA/FAI)

*Terrorist Column of the Revolutionaries in Black (CTRN)

*Former members of the Eco-anarchist Cell for the Direct Attack (CEAD)

*Informal Anarchist Federation Mexico City (FAI-DF)

*Earth Liberation Front (FLT)

*Free, Dangerous, Savage and Incendiary Individuals for the Black Plague (ILPSIPN)

*Luddites against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LDNS)

Mexico, Planet Earth. 25th September 2011

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Seattle, WA: Bank temporarily closed due to ‘suspicious’ ATM fire

from the press:

Seattle police and the Seattle Fire Department are investigating a suspicious fire at a Madison Park Bank of America branch early this morning.

Police responded around 2 a.m. to an alarm at the bank at 4112 E. Madison St. Officers found the bank’s outdoor ATM engulfed in flames and saw fire inside the bank, possibly originating from the ATM fire.

The Seattle Fire Department responded and put out the fire. The fire had spread into the bank and attic area, said Seattle Fire Department spokesman Kyle Moore. The fire took about 45 minutes to extinguish, he said.

The fire department brought in Henny, an accelerant-sniffing dog. “He hit on a couple of items and the ATM,” Moore said. “We’re taking those items to the crime lab to be tested for accelerants.”

Moore also said Seattle police would be trying to obtain surveillance tapes from the Bank of America and from nearby businesses to look for suspicious activity.

The Seattle police Arson/Bomb Squad is investigating. It appears there was no forced entry into the bank, police said. It was not immediately known if the ATM had been burglarized.

The bank branch has been boarded up and will not open today, Moore said.

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Finland: Incendiary attack on Kerava police station

from 325:

We attacked the Kerava police station with fire on Sunday the 6th of November at 5 in the morning.

We threw six molotovs at the main entrance and at a separate entrance to the police parking garage.

However, we did not throw molotovs into the building because we did not want our action to bring harm to those possibly imprisoned at the station, knowing this course of action could have very well placed these people in mortal danger.

We want to take a stand against the oppression of nature, animals and life, the oppression that the police as the vanguards of the state enforce and maintain.

Organize, form affinity groups and take action!

Solidarity to all fighting for total liberation!

Solidarity to all who have been robbed of their freedom by the state!

Death to the state!

FAI – Informal Anarchist Federation – Northern chapter


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Declaration of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle on Day 1 of trial

from contrainfo:

Declaration of Revolutionary Struggle from the courtyard of the special court in Koridallos prisons (October 5th, 2011)

(audio of the statement as read by Pola Roupa is here.)

It has been historically recorded (has also been worded in mass media) that the attack of the State against Revolutionary Struggle and our arrests are connected with the imposition on the Greek society of the junta of the troika and PASOK government, and have been associated with the first memorandum agreement for the country’s vassalage to transnational economic and political elites, signed by the social-fascists of the government in the manner of a military coup.

Ever since, the country has entered a dark period of unprecedented savagery, from the Capital and the political power that attempts to loot inexorably the social wealth and exploit fiercely the human labour of the non-privileged. In the midst of the greatest systemic crisis that today has blown apart capitalism and the market economy, has eroded the political and social structures of representative democracy, and has undermined irreparably its social foundations, the survival of the economic and political system presupposes the euthanasia of large parts of the population.

This is commonly experienced by most people, and as we have mentioned it in our political letter to society by which we took political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle, it concerns an occupation that competes in violence with the occupation by the Nazis during World War II, a fact that constitutes a common consciousness in this country.

Today, one and a half years later, the trial against Revolutionary Struggle will be historically associated with the official failure of the Greek state. The internal suspension of payments is already a fact. The process of failure is underway and will soon be total and according to our view – a view that is stated in previous text – it will be uncontrollable in the end.

The action of Revolutionary Struggle, a revolutionary action with strictly political characteristics and deep social and class criteria, today largely reflects a political tendency that diffuses further into society every day: that of the immediate and urgent need to organize an attack, even armed, against economic and political power.

Today, the need for an armed proletarian counterattack against the rotten system is not expressed solely in the texts of Revolutionary Struggle; it is to be found in the thoughts and the lips of an ever-increasing number of people, as it is increasingly recognized as the only way to get rid of from us the contemporary dictatorship of the State and Capital, to exit definitively the systemic crisis, to prevent the erasure of the humanity and the planet from the crude exploitation of the transnational elite.

For us, this trial consists of one more moment in our struggle, as was also the period of our captivity in the cells of the regime. We never stop fighting against contemporary totalitarianism, against the capitalist system and against representative democracy. We never stop to send forth a cry, even from within the cells, for the necessity of Social Revolution.

In this trial it is not Revolutionary Struggle that will be judged. It is the system and its puppets.

The action of our organization and its associated actions will be revealed as a necessity in stopping the attack that the regime has launched against the non-privileged layers of society; a necessity to propel the social revolution forward.

In this trial it is not Revolutionary Struggle that will be judged as a terrorist organization.
It is the socialist-fascist government of PASOK and the political power for organizing and realizing the most brutal terror attack against society.

It is the economic elite, the most violent terrorist gang, which sucks people’s blood and grows rich by undertaking massive and systematic assassinations of the less privileged social layers that will be judged.
It is the regime and its henchmen that will be judged.
It is all those who constitute the servants of global capital that will be judged.
It is the economic and political system that will be judged, as responsible for the greatest crimes ever committed in human history.

One and a half years later, we are here, strong, unrepentant and proud of the organization and the political choices of struggle that we have made.

Revolutionary Struggle is alive and forms an integral part, not only of the Greek, but also the international revolutionary movement.

They failed to bend us; they will never succeed to break us.
In the end, the winners will be us.

Honour forever to comrade Lambros Fountas,
member of Revolutionary Struggle

Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

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Mexico: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire torches 13 shops at Las Torres shopping mall in Ciudad Juarez

from thisisourjob.noblogs.org

To all like-minded arsonists and antagonists, the fifth communiqué from the Mexican Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF-FAI/Mexico):

Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken! Arsonists at war against domination!

Solidarity with the 32 people arrested yesterday!

Against the system of domination!

For Total Liberation!

Yesterday at 9:21 a.m., liberatory fire burned once again, destroying merchandise. The Fire Cells Conspiracy (CCF) faction of the Mexican Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-M), Chihuahua section, gave life to antagonistic fire at the Woolworth in Las Torres shopping mall, also setting fire to several multinational capitalist entities here in Ciudad Juarez in solidarity with the 32 protestors arrested yesterday by the forces of repression. Thirteen shops were destroyed, as Woolworth and Wendy’s were consumed by antagonistic fire. With this attack, we also join the campaign for the release of comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, and we show solidarity with comrades Cristobal Franke, Francisco Moreno, Gonzalo Zapata, and Zerman Elias in Chile, our comrade Tamara, the comrade prisoners from the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece, and all anarchist comrades being held captive by the state in Mexico and the rest of the world.

We continue to strike the system of domination with coordinated international antagonistic struggle. Anarchist struggle is possible, and it is a weapon of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades. We leave behind the fear and indignation of the broken, and make the shift to decisive struggle against domination. We leave behind discourse and move on to practice. Our act of solidarity with the arrestees here in Ciudad Juarez doesn’t mean that we support the pacifist strategy of the indignant, nor does it mean that we stand in solidarity with their broken proposals. Our action isn’t in support of the Citizen’s Cause or any other leftist, Perredista, or Zapatista NGO. Our action is a warning that all attacks by domination will have a response.

We don’t want to change the laws. We don’t want to change domination. WE WANT TO DESTROY THEM!

Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken—we are Arsonists! We are antagonists! We are anarchists!

We are all the Fire Cells Conspiracy!

The Fire Cells Conspiracy isn’t an ORGANIZATION. Rather, it is the antagonists’ expression of rage and contempt toward domination and its institutions.

By spreading the Fire Cells Conspiracy, we continue the war on the existent order.

All our solidarity with comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva!

Long live antagonistic struggle!

Long live anarchy!

Mexican Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF/FAI-M); November 3, 2011

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Atlanta, GA: Conflict escalates in occupation; call for solidarity actions

from anews:

Today was the day demonstrators with Occupy Atlanta had decided to re-take Troy Davis Park while maintaining solidarity and presence at the Taskforce For The Homeless (the foreclosure at the shelter has been delayed).

The day was relatively upbeat with vibrant participation, roughly 400 people by day and around 300 by the time the park was set to close. Food was served, tents were set up, the General Assembly (which is running very smoothly these days) went off without trouble, and a freestyle rap session amped up the crowd as the sun went down.

At about 10:30pm, 30 minutes before the closure of the park, the police began erecting two rows of barricades. It was relayed that the police would not be making an announcement, but that when the park closed, arrests would occur.

The professional liberal activists called an impromptu meeting for people who were “willing to get arrested” (civil disobedience: breaking the law legally) where they pushed through an agenda of idiocy: we could make the city look really silly if we organized to have just 1 person arrested…

Pure media obsession.

Luckily, no one gave a fuck about this plan when the pigs actually rode up.

Helicopters overhead, riot police in huge numbers, mounted police, road blocks and police cars in every direction, barricades and obvious police infiltrators were out in full force. The park de-camped rapidly to seize the streets with much support from participants of the local (A)-team.

A slow march went up Peachtree with the intention of walking around the park. The police, however, were mobilizing rapidly so the march returned to Peachtree Street to be in full view of the park. The pigs moved to erect more barricades which would be kicked the fuck over immediately. Newspaper boxes and other debris was dragged and tossed into the street (and subsequently dragged back onto the sidewalk by the liberal citizen-police) after a police officer on a motorcycle RAN INTO THE CROWD, RUNNING MORE THAN ONE PERSON OVER.
As the cop crashed into the people, fists flew and the pig was shoved off is his motorcycle.
At least one individual, who was run over, was dragged away by pigs and arrested (many arrests followed but most of those who were hitting the cop seemed to evade consequence).

A surge of people surged the police line and forced the police back into their own barricades on the Woodruff Park Plaza on the North side of the park. At this point, circle A’s and anti-cop graffiti began to decorate the area.

The mounted pigs were closing in from the flank and people linked arms prepared to confront them. A few citizen-cops decided to repeatedly “remind” the crowd that we were “a nonviolent movement” (as people chanted “Drag those animals off those horses!”).

More newspaper boxes were dragged into the street which resulted in liberals using physical violence to restrain the “violent ones” – one demonstrator was punched in the face by a citizen-cop.

At this point, the riot pigs began to move in. Like a phalanx, they made slow, methodical progress snatching anyone within reach.

Anti-cop slogans began to gain popularity.

After a slow, trudging, face-off, the police ended up kettling the entire demonstration and forcing everyone onto the sidewalks.

Roughly 20 arrests.
Some of these people were beaten with batons by the police, some were jumped by officers (up to 9 and 10 on 1) and more than one were RUN THE FUCK OVER BY A COP ON A MOTORCYCLE.
Those who were run over are being charged for assaulting the officer.

Court is closed tomorrow and we are asking for solidarity actions in other cities.

Denver, don’t think we didn’t appreciate that shit.

“Drag those animals off those horses”

“Get those pigs back in their sty/we the people occupy!”


“Fuck the pigs/we don’t need ’em/ what we want is total freedom”

“Show me what a police state looks like/this is what a police state looks like”

“Disobey your orders”

“No justice, no peace/fuck the police”

+ a slew of other shitty liberal chants.

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Portland, OR: Break Your Bank Day Communique

from anews:

In the early morning hours of the 5th of November, a small part of the 99% decided to strike back at some of the institutions that we hold responsible for the creation of a violent and inequitable world.

We smashed the windows out of the Chase Bank and Wells Fargo Bank on Sandy Boulevard, and finished off by throwing a paint bomb through the shattered window. November 5th was Ditch Your Bank Day, and we acted in solidarity with this. We support this and all other tactics that confront the violent forces of capitalism.

We also recognize that the crisis we are in is not just about unregulated banks or the mystical “Wall Street elite.” Poverty, hunger, foreclosures, evictions, and destruction of the natural world are integral parts of capitalism that can’t be regulated away. The whole system is rotten to the core and we’re sick of being treated like collateral.

We want to speak out against those who think they represent the rest of Occupy Portland when they condemned David Burgess. Your racist and classist entitlement is disgusting and does not speak for us.

While the General Assembly at Occupy Portland has often criticized effective tactics and favored ineffectual non-confrontational tactics, we want to assert that the Occupy movement is not represented by this and we know already that within Portland there is support by many for tactics which seek to actually confront and challenge those that are responsible for our dire situation.

So we use action as our discourse rather than words, and we intend to say much more in the days to come.

In solidarity with those arrested at Jameson Square and Terry Schrunk Plaza; those who bravely upheld the GA’s decision to hold Main Street; David Anthony Burgess, who has been unfairly condemned for what, if anything, would be an act of self-defense, and solidarity with other occupations that have taken the fight to our enemies, especially in Oakland and Rome.

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Oakland, CA: General strike closes port, downtown businesses

On November 2nd, in the first general strike in the US since 1946, which was organized on a wildcat level within the space of a single week after it was called for by a general assembly of 2,000 at Occupy Oakland, much of downtown and the major shipping port were shut down.

By the morning, a significant portion of the longshoremen who operate the multi-billion dollar port had called in sick in a wave of wildcat activity, while thousands poured into downtown and messages of solidarity spread through windows and streets.

Several marches and roving pickets left from Occupied Oscar Grant Plaza to descend upon banks and businesses that had refused to close or had threatened to discipline workers who desired to join the strike, effectively shutting down most of the downtown-area targets.

In the afternoon, the anti-capitalist march of over a thousand (with about 100 in the black bloc) destroyed property and spray-painted slogans at several banks and the Whole Foods, where workers were told they would be fired if they went on strike. There was virtually no police presence during the day, neither at the plaza nor the marches nor the port shutdown.

Later, tens of thousands (perhaps as many as 50,000) of people marched in waves to occupy and shut down the city’s shipping port. Truckers blockaded in support, the longshoremen’s union declared the area unsafe and called off the night shift, and the blockades lasted through the night.

Later still, an abandoned building near Oscar Grant Plaza was occupied and opened to the public. By this time hundreds of police had already begun staging to clear the streets and try to prevent widespread nighttime rioting. As their lines approached the occupied building, barricades were built and–after tear gas was deployed–set on fire, while projectiles were gathered to defend the street. The defense did involve throwing projectiles and other tactics, but it was met with a heavy assault and lasted only briefly around the building. A series of skirmishes began in which the police took hours to clear the streets and push everyone into the plaza after 4am. Several more properties were vandalized, including City Hall and a police recruitment station. Two businesses were looted. The liberated zone was filled with graffiti, both political and nonpolitical.

Meanwhile, solidarity actions in both Seattle and Portland saw spirited blockades of a bank, a hotel and a bridge, as well as minor clashes with police.


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A Letter of Solidarity with the Informal Anarchist Federation by Walter Bond, A.L.F Prisoner of War

from actforfreedomnow:

Hello, my name is Walter Bond. I am currently serving a prison sentence in the United States for 3 A.L.F. arsons totaling nearly 2 million dollars’ worth of damage. Recently, I read a statement in solidarity with the Conspiracy Cells of Fire attempting to create a real voice for all of us political prisoners and prisoners of war, those of us that have fought and still fight from our prison cells against all civilization. I was happy to see that solidarity was signed with me in that article as well. As a small token of my support please accept the enclosed brief letter of solidarity that I have written for the Informal Anarchist Federation. Animal Liberation, Whatever It May Take!


Walter Bond
A.L.F. Lone Wolf

P.S. Free to reprint my letter anywhere you would like, in whole or in part.

You can write me directly at:

Davis County Jail
Walter Bond 2011-03339
PO Box 130
Farmington UT 84015-0130

You can also reach my liaison to the outside world by email: elizabethtobier(at)gmail.com

– A Letter of Solidarity with the Informal Anarchist Federation –

Hello Comrades and a fraternal greeting to all those who fight evil, oppression and all government sanctioned authority.

To all those that don’t chat but instead act, I am your brother. For far too long, theoretical, philosophical, heartless, gutless cowards have pretended to be the standard bearers of liberation. But liberation is not a book or a speaking engagement. Liberation is not a set of laws being passed and the system trying to include you in their corruption.

Liberation is the abolition of oppression. Liberation is a scream in the face of all those that seek to use you spitefully, for their own hedonistic ends. Liberation is a can of gasoline in your backpack and the power of Mother Earth in both fucking fists! When we die, there will be plenty of time for pacifism and silence. Right now it is time to fight. It is time to resist with all the power and force that love and hate can give us!

Those of us behind the walls and razorwire, those of us that have proudly fought, will proudly fight and never bow before any authority outside of our own have shown this world the path to true liberation with our actions. But armchair generals and keyboard commandos don’t want actions, they want words. What a waste of time.

I have more respect for my enemies than the soothsayers, flatterers and hobbyists. Because at least my enemies are honest, at least my oppressors don’t pretend to be otherwise and at least they know how to act and react for the benefit of everything their twisted black hearts hold dear. No scribe, scribbler, voicebox or bag of wind is a commander of anything outside of opinions and pieces of paper. That is why I speak for myself. That is why I strongly recommend that all political prisoners speak up whenever we can because when we stay silent, lesser women and men start speaking for us. Or worse yet, our silence makes us seem non-existent.

This government, that government, all government will always try to scare the many with the few. Because the truly free, those with a feral heart, can light fires in their cities even from behind their prison walls. And you know what? They can have my body, and that’s all they can have. I exist, we exist, in the resolve of every comrade that is not scared and is going to employ direct action right now!

You can keep me locked away until this body is dead and decays and that’s the end of their power! You cannot stop the spirit of resistance that animates me! You can’t stop what you can’t scare! Welcome to the insurgency!

Anarchism means “no more government” not “welcome to my bookstore”! Animal Liberation means opening the cages and then smashing them, not opening your mouth in like-minded company. Earth Liberation means a ski resort gets the torch, not another Rich Liberal building an eco-friendly house. And Human Liberation means ending the oppression of all civilization, not chanting slogans to news cameras.

In direct solidarity with the International Animal Liberation Front, the International Earth Liberation Front, the Animal Rights Militia, Militant Forces Against Huntingdon Life Sciences, the Conspiracy Cells of Fire. In solidarity with all political prisoners and to every warrior that has laid down their life or their freedom for true liberation. In solidarity with the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and Move! Long live John Africa! Animal Liberation, Whatever It May Take!

“If a man is truly free, he cannot be debased by the weight of his shackles.”
– an unknown French anarchist’s last words before being sentenced to death

Davis County Jail
Walter Bond 2011-03339
PO Box 130
Farmington UT 84025-0130

(Click Here to Donate)

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War On Society housekeeping notice

We have not updated the site for a while due to a combination of factors such as technical difficulties and the occupation movement.

We are pleased to see that This Is Our Job has been making important Spanish-to-English translations.

As usual, Act For Freedom Now! is one of your best sources for the compilation of insurrectional news on an international level, including some of the more combative actions in the North American continent.

325 has similar content with a narrower scope, and is one of the best places to follow the growth of the Informal Anarchist Federation in its words and actions.

All of the above sites also keep up-to-date information concerning state repression against comrades on trial or imprisoned.

We at War On Society continue to strive to find an effective place in a wonderful and inspiring network for the translation and dissemination of insurrectional counter-information on an international scale. May the fires of insurrection continue to spread.

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Seattle, WA: Neo-Nazis beaten with sticks and run out of occupation

On the night of October 29th, the Occupy Seattle group moved to the campus of Seattle Central Community College. The idea of moving to the college had been circulating for over two weeks with the administration getting wind of the rumors. They immediately issued a statement saying that the occupiers would be neither welcome nor allowed to set up an encampment. However, after the General Assembly voted to officially move, it became clear the hundreds of people would swarm the college. With the occupiers being supported by the faculty union, members of student government, and hundreds of students, the administration found itself in a bind. Just a few days before the 29th, the president of the college “officially” allowed a move that would have happened anyway.

By 9:00 PM, a kitchen and over forty tents were set up in the tree shrouded plaza on the corner of Broadway and Pine, one of the busiest intersections in the most densely populated neighborhood in Seattle. There was a carnivalesque, celebratory atmosphere with campers indulging in all manner of merriment and debauchery.

Sometime around bar closing, three nazis came into the camp after being told to leave. One of them had “Sieg Heil” written on his chin. The three were surrounded and still refused to leave. But very soon punches and cracks with sticks began to land on their heads and the nazis were pushed out by a crowd of arguing people, bloodied and bruised. This should have been a simple matter, but soon all of the pathologies and contradictions of liberal thought exploded into a two hour marathon of yelling, fighting, and discussion. By 5:00 AM, everyone went to bed and the rain chilled everyone out.

Despite the rough start to the occupation, there is much promise in this new base camp. Unlike Westlake Park, people will be able to sleep and build a village. A sense of community does not exist because we declare it so. The communities we desire comes through shared experiences of mutual struggle, and solidarity with those. Living in an alienated capitalist society, we have no real sense of community that isn’t mediated by an institution or state apparatus. The disagreements brought to the surface by Occupy Seattle’s encounter with fascists is people learning how to become a community. Growing pains are often uncomfortable and tumultuous, but the confrontation that took place reveals the potential of an anti-fascist, anti-racist, autonomous space actually forming.

Also, the president and the administration of the college would face severe political consequences should anything resembling Oakland or Denver take place at the occupation. Not only are large segments of the teachers supportive, but the school is facing budget cuts and many students are finding much resonance with the anarchist ideas that have been saturating Capitol Hill. It will not be very long before Seattle Central Community College is a teeming bed of rebellion.

Here’s to the future!

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Denver, CO: Cop shop and bank attacked in solidarity with Oakland Commune, Atlanta, Occupy* and Denver squatters (communique)

From Colorado Indymedia

October 27th, 2011, original title “Escalation.” communique:

Last night, under the cover of the season’s first snow, a bank and a cop shop (snitch station) were attacked by masked individuals in the Five Points area of Denver. This action was taken in soldiarity with the Oakland Commune and Atlanta under siege, with Denver squatters, and with occupiers everywhere. The banks are an obvious target, as too should be the lapdogs of The Capitalist State, the Police Department. Their days are numbered so long as our resistance intensifies. Revolt, Occupy, Fight Back! Smash all banks and all borders, no love for snitches!

With Love,
The Terry Merrorista Brigade

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol hospitalized and jailed by DPD in retaliatory squat raid with three others

Update 10/28/11 @4:39PM: Bond has been posted for Amelia. She will be out on Monday at the latest, today at the earliest. Jonathon is still locked up pending huge money and collateral payments. Unfortunately, the DA went ahead with charging all four of the squatters with felony 2nd degree burglary.

Update 10/27/11 @7:17PM: Jonathon will be held until at least November 9th because of prior legal issues. The State will not grant him bail. Amelia is still in jail and has a court date at 8AM tomorrow morning in room 2300 . It is unclear at this time whether or not the district attorney is going to file charges. The Denver Anarchist Black Cross is still soliciting donations to get Amelia out and keep Jonathon with a healthy commissary account while he is in.

Update 10/26/11 @ 10:38AM: Sam and Victor are free! They were released yesterday afternoon and in the arms of friends and comrades. Amelia and Jonathon are still in jail, but folks are talking to them daily and putting money in their commissary. Currently no charges have been filed, all the arrestees were being held for investigation on 2nd degree burglary charges. This means that Amelia and Jonathon could be released within the coming days provided the district attorney is unable to file charges.

Update 10/24/11 @ 9:24PM: Sam and Victor have been bonded out and will be released in the morning. Amelia’s court date is tomorrow morning at 10AM in room 2300 in the Van-Cise Simonet detention center. Johnathon is still in custody pending a $5,000 bail.

Update 10/24/11 @ 4:00PM: The Westword has published the names of those arrested in the squat raid last night. Ignite! was privy to this information before they published it, however, due to respect of the privacy of the arrestees we were holding off on publicizing their names until a legal strategy had been formed. Here are their names and statuses: Sam Carlson and Victor Jaime are being held on $3,500 bail, and Johnny Shepard is being held on a $5,000 bail because of his previous arrest and bond status from events at Occupy Denver.

Amelia Nicol, the same person who was arrested at an anti-police march in May and recently beat attempted murder of police officers, arson, and other charges last month, was the squat occupant who was beaten by at least 8 pigs and hospitalized. They are being held on $5,000 bail as well, and have a court date at 10AM tomorrow in courtroom 2300 at the Van-Cise Simonet detention center. The four local homeless youth are all charged with 2nd degree burglary, a class three felony, for squatting in a house in the Jefferson Park neighborhood that had been abandoned for several years.

Update 10/24/11 @ 12:49 PM: The police had sealed off two blocks near the squat in order to clear a “suspicious bag or package.” The person who was hospitalized has been transferred to protective custody in the jail and will have a hearing tomorrow in room 2300 at 10AM. The three arrested during the raid had hearings today where their bonds were reduced. Two of them are eligible for bail, and the Denver ABC is working on amassing $700 to achieve this. If you are able to help in any way, please visit their blog and send them an email.

The third person arrested has outstanding cases after being arrested at Occupy Denver earlier this month and is being held due to their complicated legal situation.

Please stay tuned to this page and follow @DenverABC on twitter for more updates.

Update 10:19pm: There will be a solidarity rally for those arrested tomorrow at 5PM on Colfax and Delaware. 3 of the arrested have been booked on second-degree burglary charges, which are class 3 felonies. They are being held on $10,000 bail each and have a court date in room 2300 in the Van Cise-Simonet detention center at 10AM tomorrow. Those looking to help should email the Denver Anarchist Black Cross. The fourth, who hasn’t been booked, is still unconscious in the hospital. Their charges are unknown at this time.

from the Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

About an hour ago, a squat in the Jefferson Park Neighborhood of Northwest Denver was raided by over a dozen officers from District 1 of the Denver Police Department. At least 3 people were arrested, an another person was taken away in an ambulance.

Witnesses report that the raid was very violent, with at least 8 officers repeatedly beating one of the arrestees, and eventually using paramedics to sedate them while they laid face down, bleeding, in the street.

The squat raid comes less than 24 hours after a rowdy and effective nighttime march against Police Terror, which saw hundreds of participants snake through Denver, blocking streets, confronting police, and shutting down the commercial district of downtown Denver on a busy Saturday night. Reports from media indicate that several bank windows were broken, and hundreds of stickers and other graffiti redecorated the city landscape. One arrest was reported, and DABC is organizing support for this person.

Our comrades from today’s arrest need your support! We cannot be fooled into thinking that this is not in some way a retaliatory attack for last night’s actions. Members of the squat have been active in the Occupy Denver movement, and have been active in other local community organizing.

If you can offer support, we need it. Denver ABC’s resources have been strained and tapped from the 48 arrests from last week’s Occupy Denver protests, and now with an additional 5 arrests that we’re trying to support, we’re really hurting.

Things we need:

-Money for bond for our comrades! Charges, bond amounts, etc.. are unknown as they have not yet been booked, but we need to start collecting money, as we know we’ll need it.
-Volunteers for court observation, running errands, helping bond folks out, etc… our collective members are worn out, overstretched, and in need of help with this. Especially from folks with vehicles.
-Food for folks working legal line, and generally on 24 hour legal support mode. We love pizza, pop-tarts, snacks, soda, etc… anything to keep us going.
-You! If you can be available for any future court solidarity, solidarity actions, or other events, please let us know! We apologize to folks who have contacted us in the last week who have not heard back about these things. We’re super stretched right now, and will be hitting you up in the next day or two.

Can you help? Conatct us ASAP: denverabc@rocketmail.com or ABC legal line: 720-328-3431

Please stay tuned for denverabc.wordpress.com



More info as it comes in, this post will be updated when updates are available.

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