Uruguay: Twelve comrades arrested moments before the march on the Filtro

1from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

On Saturday August 24, at about 5 pm, the time the march on the Filtro had been set for, twelve comrades were arrested in the vicinity of La Solidaria in four different points through four big simultaneous operations carried out by the intelligence police, the DOE (Department of Special Operations) and Interpol. Continue reading

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A few accounts of solidarity with the strike carried out by Hans

from publicacionrefractario, transl. by waronsociety:

In Argentina on August 19th, there was a manifestation in solidarity outside the Chilean embassy.

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for the clashes at the USACH on August 14 (photos)

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

On August 14, we decided to go out to take the street and confront the military police of the Chilean State in the area of the Zoletti estate. Armed with incendiary bombs, we made some ambushes of the carabinerxs in which the bastards were almost set on fire (there were signs that some of the cops suffered burns but we weren’t ever able to know for sure), we also attacked a mobile squadron about four times (we attach a video with images of the “outing”). Continue reading

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Chile: The Sacco and Vanzetti Anti-Authoritarian Library reopens its doors

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

With the firm determination of our acts
With our convictions intact

Three years ago, Power struck with its legal arm at some anti-authoritarian compañerxs, seeking to give repressive lessons to a diffuse anarchist space. Continue reading

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Chile: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti murdered by the state 86 years ago…

aficheactsyvfrom materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Murdered by the State 86 years ago…

Let their voice not be silenced! Continue reading

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Chile: Sebastián Saldaña in the street!

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

The anti-authoritarian compañero Sebastián Saldaña Zapata was imprisoned for carrying and throwing a molotov cocktail on March 29 of this year.

In August 2013 Sebastián was able to leave prison. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique for the street confrontation 40 years after the Coup D’etat in Santiago (photos)

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

This 1st of August, in a coordinated action and in an attempt to distance ourselves from the fetishization of that date in September, we decided to take to the streets at three points, already known for their historical street fighting: UTEM, Pedagógico, y Juan Gómez Millas. We were again the authors of incendiary attack against the barracks of OS9 of the dogs of the rich, and the subsequent confrontations entailed by the 3 coordinated actions, Continue reading

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Chile: Action in solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan (photos)

from materialanarquista, trans15638_495193720564843_1546863272_nl waronsociety:

On August 1st, at 2pm, on the outskirts of the Juan Gómez Milla campus of the University of $hile (a territory dominated by the fascism in the south), we decided once again to go out to turn into action something that for us, the anti-authoritarians, is translated into one of the fiercest motivations at the time of attack: our SOLIDARITY, which we set fire to, in order to go out to find ourselves with the symbols of power and thus annoy–in this case a short interval of confrontation–the bastard cops there. Continue reading

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Argentina: Attack in solidarity with the revolt in Brazil

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Last Thursday, July 18, we attacked the ITAU Bank located at Bolivar and Moreno streets, in the middle of the central port, with stones. We also left painted on its windows “Solidarity with the Revolt in Brazil.” A minimal gesture which we would like to communicate at a time when Pope Francisco I (Jorge Bergoglio) passes through the streets of the neighboring country, before an idiotic mass that cheers for him, while thousands die of hunger or under the bullets of the army, while others destroy shacks in the favelas or under the hammer of narco-trafficking and drugs. Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive device found near Federal Electricity Commission facilities

a13f69455d88ff8fbffa221236056f93_int470from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

On July 31, personnel from the Public Security Secretary of the Federal District (SSPDF) were mobilized for the report of a supposed explosive device.

The device was found near the facilities of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) located at 3702 Insurgents Avenue, in the Peña Pobre neighborhood of the Tlalpan delegation, and consisted of a bag with two bottles apparently full of some kind of combustible, next to the front tire of a parked truck. Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from the ex-penitentiary to the comrades of the world

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Kompas of the World,

Sisters and brothers, for a long time the ruling reality has become stronger in every corner of our lives, everything in the rebellion remains in a course of low intensity, the “idea” demands us, every day not to forget the dreams of the liberators, of the bottled rage of years of social injustice. Continue reading

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Chile: Cop wounded by the explosion of a noise bomb in Santiago

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

A cop was wounded in the early morning of today when handling a noise bomb that unknown persons installed in the vicinity of the disgusting Special Forces 28th Precinct Station. Continue reading

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Chile: Clashes at the Macul and Grecia cordon (photos)

scl201308011431jmv8259mdfrom materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Yesterday, Thursday August 1st, there were confrontations with police, street blockages with barricades and an attack on the OS-9 police station, in the area of the universities that are in the Macul and Grecia police cordon. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique for barricade in Santiago in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer and in memory of Carlo Giuliani

panfleto-hansfrom materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

We express our solidarity through barricades erected last Sunday at sunset at the intersection of General Bulnes and Balmaceda, near Parque Los Reyes. We left propaganda in the area in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer, kidnapped by the Chilean state, and before a new anniversary of compañero Carlo Giuliani, killed by the guard dogs of the state of Italy, 2001. Continue reading

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