Mexico: Second communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

“One more time: Direct and total support with the anti-civilization prisoners of Mexico, with those eco-anarchists of Switzerland, to the affinities in Argentina, Spain, Italy, Chile and Russia. Remembering the savage individualist Mauricio Morales.”
________________________________________________________ Continue reading
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Mexico: Explosive package sent to the ambassador of Greece

from the press, 3/1/12, via culmine, transl war on society:

An apparently anarchist group send an explosive letter to the Ambassador of Greece in Mexico in the name of the former Attorney of Justice of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera, but it was intercepted and deactivated by the authorities. Continue reading

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Chile: Bomb explodes outside the home of a luxury dealership owner

from the press, 2/29/12, via lt, transl war on society:

An explosive device went off past midnight this Wednesday February 29th, outside of the house of a businessman in the automotive industry, located at the intersection of Eduardo Castillo and Los Cerezos in the Ñuñoa neighborhood, the eastern part of Santiago. Continue reading

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Chile: Another explosive attack against Banco Estado

from the press via lt, translated by war on society:

Another attack against a bank branch occurred in Santiago, this time in the northern part of the city in the Renca neighborhood.

The bank that was targeted for sabotage was again a Banco Estado, located at 4054 Domingo Santa Maria. The bomb exploded around 2:30 AM causing damages, primarily to the reinforced windows. Continue reading

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France: Solidarity visit to the Italian consulate in Lyon

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Words from Luciano in solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

from Hommodolars
translated from spanish by sabotagemedia

Making the stars shine with our solidarity.

The news spread fast and (as it has always had to be) the isolation was not a problem. A call-out for direct solidarity with 3 political prisoners, defendants in the security case. Continue reading

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Argentina: Communique for bomb threat made to Falabella

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

At this time we claim responsibility for the bomb threat made yesterday at about 7:30 PM against Falabella (business of $hilean interests) located in the downtown of the putrefactive city of Buenos Aires, in solidarity with the comrades Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste, who are on hunger strike in the prisons of the $hilean state. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Attacks on three banks and a Starbucks (communiques) (updated)

Today the press reports that the windows and ATMs of a US Bank were destroyed with stones in the Sunnyside neighborhood in Portland, while another two banks and a Starbucks were attacked in the Hollywood business district. Two different communiques follow for the attacks. Continue reading

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URGENT: Italian comrade in critical condition after fall caused by cops

This post will be continually updated

2nd Update 2/28 11:30 Italian time, from radio blackout: Luca remains in an induced coma, but today 2/28 the comrade was awakened for a few minutes, the doctors asked him to move a finger and an arm. Luca understood the questions and could move them, and this is a good sign of his cerebral function. Then they again sedated him with drugs. He will continue to be in an induced coma. Strength, Luca, we are with you!

Meanwhile in Val Susa road and highway blockades continue one after another to impede the riot cops’ ability to make shift changes. There were evictions, but the comrades reoccupied. Tonight the road blockades will continue. Continue reading

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Chile: Claims of responsibility for Santander Bank & Banco Estado explosive attacks

from hommodolars, translated by war on society:

[Santander Bank Attack Communique]

Yesterday, February 27, 2012, near the intersection of Vicuña Mackena and Av. Matta, we burned a bank (Santander) at around midnight, an action firstly in solidarity with the campaign for the freedom of the comrades of the “Security Case” but also vindicating the struggle of those who today turn against an oppressive system that tries to end the struggle, this strike of sabotage against the rich and powerful is a small gesture for them to know that we are not afraid and like many comrades we remain on our feet. Continue reading

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Giuseppe – A few notes on anarchist revolutionary solidarity and the struggle against prison

from culmine, translated by B.pd for act for freedom now!

I’m writing these lines concerning the subjects of Solidarity and prison. I hope this can clarify the anarchist perspective as concerns revolutionary solidarity and the difference between solidarity and support, which is anyway necessary. These opinions of mine are open to discussion. Continue reading

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Italy: Explosive attack against local police command in Paderno

from the press, transl waronsociety:

Gunpowder and gasoline against the police headquarters.

A homemade device made of gunpower and gasoline to set it off exploded Tuesday night in front of the local police command of Paderno Dugnano (Milan region), on Via Buozzi. There were no injuries, but the explosion destroyed the windows, damaging the interior of the offices. A beginning of a fire, put out by firefighters, caused damages to the gate and to the building’s facade. There was an intervention by the police who were alerted after a neighbor heard the explosion.  The remains of the device were seized. There were no messages claiming responsibility that were found.

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Chile: Long sentences requested against Juan and Freddy

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

The prosecution closed the investigation and formalized the sentencing request against the three comrades involved in the so-called “security case;” they solicited life sentence (40 years) against Freddy and Juan for the death of Moyano and 20 years more for Juan for participating in 3 other bank assaults, for Freddy they added 15 years more for participating in two robberies with intimidation, in Marcelo’s case they asked for just 18 years for three robberies and he remains without links to the case of the death by shooting of the thug Moyano. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Eat & Billy – Laughing & Strong

from 325:

As you can see, the comrades are okay… The passion for freedom is still stronger than the prison!
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