Chile: Summary and reflections from the April 11 March for Delinquency (oh sorry, for Education…)

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

The ABCs of the Bastard Cops: Literal arguments for why all of Power’s minions are Bastards

a) Bastard:

1. desp. One who has bad intentions or is undesirable: “You can’t trust him, he’s a bastard.”
2. One who is degenerated from his origin and nature. Continue reading

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‘With Fists Raised’ – Sacco and Vanzetti Library reopens in Santiago, Chile

1032821from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

On August 14th, in the framework of the Bombs Case investigation, a series of particular houses and Squatted Social Centers (CSO’s) were raided. In this way, the constant threats leaked by the press for several years–seeking to arrest whoever had perpetrated a series of explosive attacks–were made real. Continue reading

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Interview with Alfredo Bonanno: “No political position of compromise had to be accepted”

marcello-mastroianni-in-la-dolce-vita-1960from Columna Negra via vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

This interview was carried out by a correspondent of Columna Negra after a gathering held in the city of Monza, Italy on the 24th-25th of November of the past year, a moment in which some discussions were carried out in respect to current repression world wide, the Mapuche situation amongst other topics. This first exchange of ideas with Alfredo Maria Bonanno turned into what you will read below. Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from Roxana Marin, pregnant comrade accused of making bombs

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

A letter from Roxana Marin, imprisoned since March 28 after the raids in Temuco in which the police accused her of “possession and placement of explosive material.” We protest that this is another clumsy frame-up to imprison those who abhor their disgusting normality. Continue reading

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Argentina: Explosive device in front of police officer’s house

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Our hands return to burn again… the Artisans of fire return…

Disgusted by the normality and the routine that surrounds us, we decided once again to go on the attack. This time, the warriors of the Artisans of Fire molded the liberating gunpowder, causing a small explosive device to detonate in front of the residence of a lackey of the State, at the service of the bourgeoisie and the snitching poor. Continue reading

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The Final Straw Radio: The NATO 5

from AshevilleFM

This week’s show features an interview with Adesina, Jude and Emily, three folks doing support work for the NATO5. Continue reading

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“Bomb Threat: An immediate response to all the infamy”

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

March 2013 was a month marked by bomb threats which could be related with the direct or indirect activity of the group Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) or those who support their actions. Continue reading

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Chile: Solidarity bonds and support table for the March 28 prisoners in Temuco

Propa bono 28mfrom vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Compañeros and compañeras:

In the framework of the various initiatives that are developing in support of the imprisoned and persecuted compañeras in Temuco, we will have a support Table at the 2nd Anarchist Book and Propaganda Fair in Santiago Continue reading

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March 29th Summary by Liberación Total: From frustration and rage to the innate instinct of self-defense that makes the cops and powerful run! Let the fear switch sides!

Note: To watch the videos, please follow the link to LT.

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Introductory note: We want to begin this special review with a hearty salute to everyone who was in the streets giving battle during these days, making themselves part of this permanent conflict against misery, who keep their dignity intact before the enemy. Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo da Silva transfered to Valdemoro Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Gabriel has already “visited” Soto, Villena and now Valdemoro since his return to the Spanish State in January. We don’t know how long they will keep him there, or whether they will finally take him closer to his Gallician land, as would be normal under their own laws. Continue reading

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Letter from José Miguel after reading “Mapping the Fire” in the Colina II Prison, Chile

from publicacionrefractario, transl waronsociety:

Dearest companions in struggle,

Today after reading the book “Mapping the Fire” by the CCF I feel more absolute than ever, I feel proud to be part of this universe of indomitable warriors, of hating and rejecting every kind of authority, of being a declared enemy of the capitalist State and of the dominant class, of saying to the four winds that I hate the bourgeoisie and their social peace with all of my being. Continue reading

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Chile: Silvana and Jota Pe released with cautionary measures

from libertad28m, transl waronsociety:

Today, April 5th, at 9 AM, the appeal hearing was held in the Temuco prosecution for the compañerxs Silvana and Jote Pe. They were imprisoned in the Temuco prisons under the 20.000 law, but in the framework of the same March 28 frame-up. Continue reading

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Urgent: Riot in the women’s prison of Temuco, Chile

WOS Note: This is the prison where several of the subversive prisoners have been locked up accused of making explosives and drug trafficking, since March 28th. We will translate more information soon.

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Today, Thursday April 4th:

At around 10:30 AM, while the accused prisoners in the Temuco prison were having visits, a riot was armed inside the prison, burning mattresses and other things. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique from Silvana Lumilla from Temuco Prison


Immediate freedom for the five comrades imprisoned by the state in Temuco!!!
Roxana, Yaritza and Ariadna accused of making explosive devices and Silvana and Juan Pablo accused of drug trafficking.
The same old story, the same old frame-up.

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

March 30, 2013

An anewenado* greeting for everyone who knows me, values me and is worried about the situation I have been involved in at this time.

First of all I want to give thanks for the affection, unconditional support from my mother, my beloved son, siblings, family, the spectrum of compañerxs, friends who we find and recognize in the everyday rhythm of life, sharing the most beautiful thoughts, ideas, dreams, creations in each moment, in each place where we go along to create, in the possible and impossible of each reality, a dignified, honest and free life. Continue reading

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