Ryo of Negasi (1986-2012)

To all comrades,

On 25th November 2012, we lost our comrade named Ryo. He was killed by a coward in the morning when trying to go back to his place after looking for breakfast. Ryo is a member of the first generation of NEGASI and was active in counter-info projects, translation and publication to support the anti-authoritarian movement in Manado. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for two actions in memory of Matías Catrileo

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Presumably due to mail problems, the anarchist, libertarian, and anti-authoritarian information media have not received or disseminated this text which today, after some time, we again make public. Continue reading

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Argentina: Communique for arson of over 20 luxury cars

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

Today just like yesterday and all of history, fascism and many political ideologies such as Peronism are not imposed on society as opposed sectors that fight for different interests in the same homeland, instead they arise from the civil population’s own need to find a solution to the insecurity of not having everything under control. And the left shamelessly has left no revolutionary words unabsorbed into the system of domination, its parliamentary position makes it just as wretched as all the powerful, complicit, supporters and conformists–which is also what the consumers of modern and technological life around the world today are, who experiment in the daily artificialization of every one of our actions. Continue reading

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Chile: The Security Case will resume this Monday

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

After 5 years of judicial process, investigation and search for the accused, on June 6, 2012, the Preparation of the Oral Trial of Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste Vega will begin. Continue reading

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France: Molotov Cocktails Thrown at CRS Vans in Mulhouse

from the press via Brèves du désordre, translated by waronsociety:

January 27, 2013

On Saturday, 5:30 PM, two CRS* vans suffered blasts from several Molotov cocktails while traveling on Dieppe Street in Mulhouse. The police observed a group of fifteen individuals fleeing. They also found, not far away, a veritable arsenal of rocks, cobblestones and bottles of gasoline. Several police patrols were made on site. Warned of these acts, the Solea bus drivers decided to bypass the district of Bourtzwiller, while tram line 1 ended at the Linkage site. Continue reading

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Paris, France: CGT Windows Smashed in Solidarity with Prisoners

from Nantes Indymedia via Brèves du désordre, transl waronsociety:

On the night of January 28th-29th, we broke the glass of the local CGT* at 1 Rue de Nantes (Paris 19e).

This is a direct message to the CGT prison and their dirty prison guards in response to the call for solidarity with the prisoners of Roanne (see the call here). Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim for explosive attack on Guadalajara pharmacy in Toluca with note from LT

From liberaciontotal translated by waronsociety:

I am a man just as the earth is a star. As ridiculous as it would be to set the earth the task of being a “thorough star,” so ridiculous it is to burden me with the call to be a “thorough man.”… As the individual is the whole of nature, so he is the whole of the species too.
-Johann Gaspar Schmidt.

During the first few hours of January 23, 2013  an explosive charge detonated at one of the branches of the “Gudalajara” pharmacies in the Toluca valley, Mexico, destroying the facade; the vivisectors of Continue reading

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Chile: Communique from José Miguel Sánchez Jiménez after being transferred and beaten for refusing a humilitating search

from publicacionrefractario, transl waronsociety:

The comrade José Miguel Sanchez (52 years) is a former member of the FPMR (Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front), active member of the armed struggle against the Pinochet dictatorship. Indifferent to the “democratic transition” he remains fighting, being arrested and sentenced to 20 years on being found with firearms and participating in various combative actions. Continue reading

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Chile: Information on Sebastián’s sentencing; Freddy and Juan’s hearing; and Alberto will not be transferred again

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Sebastián Fajardo, accused of burning a Transantiago bus, sentenced to 3 years of remitted penalty (probation)

On January 21, Sebastián Fajardo’s sentence was delivered. We remember that Sebastián Fajardo and Eduardo Garay were arrested on January 4, 2012, accused of burning a bus during a march in commemoration of the death of Matías Catrileo; at trial Eduardo was acquitted and Sebastián was convicted. Continue reading

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Chile: Youth sentenced to 5 years and a day for throwing a molotov during the Day of the Youth Combatant 2012

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On March 29, 2012, during the commemoration of the Day of the Youth Combatant, Camilo Valdes Mateluna was arrested on Américo Vespucio Avenue and Divino Maestro Street in the Cerrillos neighborhood, a western part of Santiago. After erecting barricades, encapuchadxs [‘hooded ones’] there had thrown molotov cocktails at a carabineros police armored truck, and the truck was able to dodge the attack and the molotovs broke on the pavement. Continue reading

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Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s new address in prison [updated]

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

After being transferred on January 25th, the compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva was transferred from the prison in Aachen (Germany) to the Madrid V Penitentiary Center in the Spanish State. Continue reading

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France: Yet More Pressure Against the Site Non-Fides.fr [edited]

from Non-Fides, transl waronsociety (thanks to non-fides for the help!):

Tuesday, January 22nd at 4:45 PM, the BRDP knocked on the door of Olivier and announced: “Search!” Olivier is targeted this time because his name is the registered host of the site Non-Fides.fr. Continue reading

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From inside Swiss prison: communique from Marco Camenisch about his hunger strike

As a contribution to the decentralized days of action for the immediate release of Marco Camenisch, we translate this letter from Marco on his hunger strike which began January 18.

Preceding Marco’s letter is a text from prisoners in solidarity in Italy, calling for actions to be taken against Swiss interests. Continue reading

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“A Fact” – Letter from Massimo Passamani

Letter from Massimo Passamani, who has been in preventive prison for over four months in the Trento, Italy prosecution’s “Operation Ixodidae” targeting persons in the NO TAV movement which is resisting the construction of the high-speed train infrastructure through Italy, especially in the Susa Valley.

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Rovereto, December 5, 2012

A Fact
Reflections on repression, solidarity and the NO TAV movement

November 29, 2012. Another wave of arrests and repressive measures against the NO TAV movement. Certainly, it cannot be said that the Ministry of the Interior is sleeping. The different Prosecutors keep taking arrest warrants out of the oven, which the judges accept or, if not, restructure in number and form, but almost never leaving the judges empty-handed. Today one ends up in prison or under house arrest under charges for which in the past one would have undergone trial in freedom. The reason is not fortuitous and has nothing to do with judicial questions. Continue reading

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