Greece: Trial statement of Polykarpos Georgiadis

translation by This Is Our Job:

In August 2008, Thessaloniki anarchists Vangelis Chrysochoidis and Polykarpos Georgiadis were arrested alongside infamous bank robber—and “the most wanted man in Greece” —Vassilis Palaiocostas. The authorities charged them and others with the kidnapping of powerful industrialist Giorgos Mylonas, which took place that summer and ended with Mylonas’ “release” in exchange for a ransom of 5 million euros. Continue reading

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Uruguay: Solidarity with La Solidaria!

frola solidaria 2m mataterialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Communique from La Solidaria

At 8:15 am today, the 10th of May in the space La Solidaria at Fernández Crespo 1813, various types of police violently kicked down the door and entered the space without a single order, without identifying themselves, threatening to violently assault anyone they found inside. Continue reading

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Italy: Nicola and Alfredo interrogated one year since the shooting of Adinolfi

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

Three prosecutors, three ROS (special operations) agents and two DIGOS (special investigations) agents from Genoa presented themselves in cheery procession in the Ferrara Prison in the morning of May 7, 2013, after exactly one year had passed since the wounding of the administrator of Ansaldo Nuclear, Adinolfi, to interrogate Nicola and Alfredo. Continue reading

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Editorial statement for the joint issue of Conspiración Ácrata and Abrazando el Caos

aecycafrom 325, translated by waronsociety:

Seeing in the strengthening of real and sincere debate, and in the mutual knowledge of the particularities of each region where there act groups or individuals resistant to the global order, an excellent opportunity to support our struggle, we give rise to this issue shared between Conspiración Ácrata and Abrazando el Caos. Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from Juan Aliste and Marcelo Villarroel to the comrades in Argentina

from freddymarcelojuan, translated by waronsociety:

It is here the word solidarity turns into fire and praxis, it is here where we carry complicit glances, crossing fictitious imposed borders, joining in a cry for freedom, taking aim at the the center of the capitalist stench and its sound of misery. Continue reading

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Chile: Trial date set for Carla and Ivan – June 3rd

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

The date of the Oral Trial against  compañera Carla Verdugo and compañero Ivan Silva was finally fixed for June 3, 2013. Continue reading

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Some words from Refractario about Henry’s case and release to house arrest


Some time ago we made the humble decision to not back down

from solidaridadnegra, translated by waronsociety:

Note from Solidaridad Negra:
We share these words from
Publicación Refractario, an important site for anti-prison information and struggle. We feel it is important that there is still a pending trial and that solidarity is still needed in the case in these parts. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Banner in solidarity with Henry

5from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

May no warrior be alone!

And then we will howl together at the moon and claw at the cement until our claws bleed…

Because not only will we destroy the world that condemns us to boredom and slavery, we will live free and wild, creating every moment of life that we desire. Continue reading

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Chile: Sebastian Saldaña imprisoned since March 29, 2013

jovenfrom refractario, translated by waronsociety:

We were succinctly informed that during the events of March 29, 2013, Sebastian was arrested and accused under the arms control law for carrying a molotov cocktail. Continue reading

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‘Fly for Freedom’ – a short story of clandestinity

DSC00203.from refractario, translated by waronsociety:

Note from WOS: Our translation of this piece is dedicated to all the rebels flying high or laying low, and especially to Kerry and Steve. Continue reading

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Posters in solidarity with the prisoners of Operation Ardire

we receive and publish:

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Chile: Marcelo Villarroel – Let’s walk together: it’s time to fight!!

from vivalaanarquia, transl. by waronsociety:

“Because one who forgets the captives of war completely forgets the same war.”
-Gerasimos Tsakalos, CCF member in prison.

The chapters of confrontation which we live as hostages of the state-prison-capital are many and lived daily, there are no pauses in war. Continue reading

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“All About Nothing” – Marco Camenisch on the case against Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa di Bernardo

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

From the 27 pages of “justifications” from the 10/30/2012 “review” in Milan which Elisa and Stefano recently received for remaining in preventive prison.

I copy and disseminate excerpts and comments from these justifications which I have received from Elisa and Stefano. Continue reading

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Chile: Roxana Marín on nocturnal house arrest

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

In the Guaranty Court of Temuco on May 2, 2013, they made the review of preventive prison weighing against Roxana Marin Laurie along with two other students. Continue reading

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