Statement from compañeras Paz and Chrystal, detained on the day of the Combatant Youth in La Victoria

From refractario, transl. wos:

On the night of March, in the setting of the day of the combatant youth four people were detained in la Victoria. The two of us were among them. After our detention we were taken to the n° 51 station of the PAC, and before arriving  3 of us were brutally beaten. This is why we along with Javier were transferred to confirm injuries. Javier had multiple wounds on his head,  Chrystal had wounds on her legs and back, and Paz had a broken nose and teeth. After multiple threats and tortures that we received through the night we were taken to the following day to the san miguel tribunal in which we were officially charged under the anti terrorist law and preventative prison was instituted unjustly for the four of us. Continue reading

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Mexico: Communique for package bomb sent to the rector of UNAM

Sin títuloNote from Instinto Salvaje:
Without ceasing to communicate what some individuals carry out against some persons, representatives or visible faces of the techno-industrial system, we believe as a webpage that the struggle emerges with the destruction of the techno-industrial system, but that we wager our lives, ideas or actions for the destruction of every form of authority first and foremost, and in anarchy as a central axis of our lives. This does not mean we do not support or will stop spreading what some individuals are doing recently in the Mexican region–entirely to the contrary–but we want to make clear our difference and our position around these topics. Continue reading

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Chile: Commemoration of the Day of the Combatant Youth (photos)

from insintosalvaje, transl. by wos:

March 27, days prior to the day of the combatant youth

The first manifestation was around 8 am at Manuel Barras Borgoño, where a group of students threw molotv cocktails inside the school, which forced the establishment to be evacuated and classes to be suspended this Friday.

At the National Institute Barros Arana, INBA, 300 students burned tires and erected barricades at the corner of Matucana and Catedral, resulting in a minor of 14 being apprehended. Continue reading

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Chile: Police deactivate bomb placed at the Church Immaculate Conception in Vitacura, Santiago.

from rojoscuro, transl. wos:

The following is a communique found at the Church Immaculate Conception in the comfortable neighborhood of Vitacura, in Santiago, Chile. According to the bastard mayor Marcelo Lepín, the bomb consisted of black powder compressed in a gas tube, activated by a clock system which failed. Also the GOPE did a controlled detonation, without any injuries. Continue reading

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Update on Casey Brezik, anarchist sentenced to 12 years for attempted attack of the Governor of Missouri

We have belatedly received word that anarchist and accused assassin Casey Brezik was sentenced, almost a year ago, to 12 years in prison. Before this, the last update was that Casey was locked up without a mailing address when the State declared him unfit to stand trial in February 2011. Now he can receive mail, and says he would appreciate letters, news and books. Continue reading

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Attaque – Chronicle of the social war in France


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Spain: Update on the situation of Mónica and Francisco

direccfrom instintosalvaje, transl wos:

Today, Saturday April 12, after passing through several prisons (Madrid, Burgo, Cantabria) throughout the week, our compañero arrived in Asturias, where they abruptly decided to transfer him.

Several weeks ago, we communicated through various media that Fransisco was in a pretty bad situation due to isolation. Although the situation has changed, surely due to pressure from outside, he remains in a punishment wing, separated from the rest of the “political” prisoners, although in a relatively better situation and they have allowed him, after many months, telephone calls with friends, since the prison’s warden had only allowed calls with family members. Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: Incendiary attacks against transantiago buses and a confrontation at macul ends with a cop wounded and his motorcycle torched

from vla, translated by waronsociety:

from the press

Unknown persons tried to burn a Transantiago machine in Villa Francia

March 21

A Transantiago machine showed signs of burning after being attacked with molotov cocktails, around Villa Francia in the Estación Central community. The act was reported today at 7 at the intersection of Vista Hemrosa and 5 de Abril, Continue reading

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Chile: Book launch of “Fuego de Vida: Memorias del Compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel”

from instintosalvaje:

It will happen on Saturday, April 12, at 6pm during the 3rd Santiago Anarchist Book and Propaganda Fair, located at 330 El Lingue, near Aeropuerto and 5 de Abril in Estación Central.

This book is a living memory that shows the thoughts, concerns and feelings of our compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel, better known as “Angry,” killed during an attempted expropriation on December 11, 2013 at a Pudahuel Banco Estado. With these pages, we want to make his existence live on, so that all the compañerxs and people who didn’t have the great joy of knowing him can form an idea of who ANGRY was, with his faults and his many virtues, discovering the diversity of facets of his life made war. Continue reading

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Chile: Updates on the case against Alfonso and Hermes

WOS note: Alfonso and Hermes are charged with the bank robbery in which Sebestian Oversluij was killed by a security guard on December 11, 2013. There is more background here and by following the tags.

from Instinto Salvaje:

On March 28th, there was a hearing for the case of the combatant brothers Alfonso Alvial and Hermes González, in the First Guarantee Court of the Santiago Justice Center in the Chilean region. Continue reading

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Mexico: Eighth communique of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild

from Dark Nights #40:

After a short period of silence due to recent events (public and not so public), the terrorist group ITS has something to declare:

“What is needed is not to seek negotiations with the system,
but a life and death struggle against it” (1) – Theodore John Kaczynski

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Uruguay: Painting in solidarity with the Chilean compas

Sin nombre2from Insinto Salvaje:

March 25, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Painting in solidarity with the compañerxs Freddy, Marcelo, Juan, Carlos and Sol.

Lots of strength and affection for the compas who are supporting them through the shit trials and prison.

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Call for an international week of solidarity with anarchists in Mexico facing repression (March 17-24, 2014)

from instintosalvaje:

This is a call for international solidarity with anarchists in Mexico facing repression, whether they are stuck behind the iron bars of prison cells or hiding out for their freedom. Continue reading

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Brazil: Porto nada Alegre: 10 police vehicles burned inside the Military Police barracks by anonymous individuals

from vla, translated waronsociety:

The night of Monday the 24th of February, 10 new Frontier/Nissan 4×4 police trucks were burned inside the military police barracks next to the central fortress of Porto Alegre in the Partenon neighborhood. The police maintain a strong presence there with their kennels, Battalion of Special Operations, military residences, Military Academy, amongst others. Of the 10 vehicles burned, 6 were completely destroyed. Raging flames rose Continue reading

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