Bolivia: Letter from Krudo for the week of agitation

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

I will begin by saying that with all of this shit that I’m going through with my confinement in many ways I am totally happy because I know that many people are doing events and more in order that beautiful solidarity may breathe (and I do not say this in a Christian sense but rather in the sense of fighting for all prisoners) I am content to know that the great bond we proudly call punk is propagating and transmitting so powerfully the virus that we are, that rabid, loud, desirous virus of revenge. Continue reading

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Letter from clandestinity for Mario López’s recent release from prison under bail

from solidaridadmario, transl waronsociety:

To my brother Mario,

Six months have passed since they captured you that ill-fated night, since they tortured you and threatened you, since they harassed your family and friends. For six months they tried everything to be able to break your anarchic spirit–they enclosed your body between four walls and innumerable bars, far from the wild forests where you belong, but it did not occur to them that at every moment you were going to be with your compañerxs in affinity around the world. They left you enduring pain, but your will to fight always won out. Continue reading

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Chile: Encapuchadxs burn a Transantiago bus in Peñalolen, Santiago and burn barricades close to El Manzano prison in Concepción

From the press, via liberaciontotal, transl. by waronsociety

On 12/6/12, a Transantiago bus was torched by encapuchadxs (“hooded ones”) around midnight in the poblacion Lo Hermida in the Peñalolén community. The encapuchadxs boarded the bus and forced the passengers and driver off, then proceeded to douse the bus in gasoline and set it on fire. They threw dozens of fliers around Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the burning of a Transantiago bus in Villa Francia, Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On 11/30/12 we successful luddites gave ourselves the pleasure of seeing one of their machines alight, laughing at their fear and constant threats we calmly viewed from the TV, smiling the whole time. Before their “27 hours of love” we prefer 5 minutes off destruction, before their charity we prefer violent solidarity. From a distance we could see the 509 burning on 5 de Abril Ave, hoping that this action becomes a smoke signal expanded and embraced by each imprisoned compa.

Bacchanal Individuals

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Mexico: Mario López bailed out of prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Recently some changes in the penal legislation in Mexico City have been made, in which the charge of “attack on the public peace” ceased to be a serious crime. Therefore Mario López’s lawyer presented himself on Friday 12/28 in the courts, together with compas in solidarity, in order to carry out the necessary procedures for his release from jail. Continue reading

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Solidarity letters from Italian anarchist prisoner Elisa to Luciano Pitronello and Mario López from inside Rebibbia prison in Rome.

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Dear compa Luciano,

We do not know each other yet every time I hear news surrounding you and your incarceration (your wounds and capture by the Chilean state) I feel we have met, every time my smiling eyes admire your smile and firm gaze. Continue reading

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Chile: Investigation against Carla Verdugo and Ivan Silva closed

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On December 27, 2012 the prosecution decided to close the investigation against Carla Verdugo and Ivan Silva; both comrades were arrested on April 17, 2012 for possession of explosive material. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the incendiary attack on the giant Christmas tree in the commercial center of Santiago

from liberaciontotal [follow link to watch the video], transl waronsociety, communique:

Life has been argued under a monothematic-robotic standard in which peace, happiness and a simple gesture such as a smile have become unacceptable to the maintenance and viability of this repugnant society in which we are born and raised as ROBOTS, TODAY WE DECIDED TO BE individuals, INDIVIDUALS inflamed on this day up to the last neuron, the last drop of blood, the last breath, on fire with the most destructive love of life. Positioned before this scheme of BOREDOM, consumption and pre-planned necessities for the sustainability of this system of death and boredom, this scheme which is Christmas, its beliefs and the attitudes that the putrefied citizenry shows on its days. Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from Carla and Ivan 8 months into their imprisonment

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

First week of December, from the State’s prisons.

After the last hearing of the revision of cautionary measures that kept us prisoners, we can say:

To begin with, there are no substantive judicial components to establish the necessity of prison that has been imposed on us for 8 months. In this sense, the tribunal has validated itself from an absolute authority over our persons, applying the fascist logic of the right, we are being judged for who we ARE, not for actions.

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Chile: Barricades and clashes at the University of Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

It was 11:00 PM on Friday the 21st in the are of Grecia Ave on the Juan Gomez Millas campus of the University of $hile, when the tranquility and concentration of some persons subdued by the year-end exams was broken. Continue reading

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Chile: The situation of Alberto Olivares after being beaten and transferred to Concepción Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Alberto Nicolas Olivares Fuenzalida, anti-social libertarian prisoner, is serving a sentence of 15 years for expropriation, for his past linked to the FPMR. His sentence has been doubled, bringing over 6 years in the former prison of Santiago in a module designated for pedophiles; having to live together with the maximum expression of human misery… Obviously, this strategy was used by power to isolate and break the compa‘s rebel dignity, being that it is impossible to create bonds of fellowship with the other prisoners. In spite of the hostile situation which he confronts day after day, the compa has kept an anti-authoritarian attitude at war with the prison and those who sustain it, forming a couple of years ago the January 22 Collective in memory of Alex Muñoz Hoffman and Fabián López Luque, murdered by the democracy during an expropriation. Continue reading

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Chile: First letter from Carla and Ivan

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

One hundred days from our arrest, a brief communique in the second hearing.

We are Carla and Ivan, we have been in the cages for more than 100 days, when we were plunged into the thickening world of the prisons one lonely morning of April 16. We told ourselves “Welcome to the machine for grinding human flesh,” and even now this crude discovery keeps us open-mouthed. The prison is very ugly and Power is tenacious against political prisoners. Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim of responsibility for incendiary device placed on Mexico State patrol car

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

“We reject the idea of the apparent innocence of society. Silence is never innocent. We hate the hand that wields the whip as much as the back that passively suffers it.”
– Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Theofilos Mavropoulos.

During the International Days of Direct Action in Solidarity with the compa Mario López “El Tripa”:

“We are the ether that the nebulous free from their weavings”

We decided to go out and forget our fear, we are conscious of the dangers and even so we are disposed to keep going, setting bombs in the gloom, stealing time from the everyday, and thus with our excited breath we disrupt the silence. We add ourselves to the non-conforming steps that the wind carries, to the constant passion of all the green that from beneath the asphalt yet refuses to die, that beautiful wild vegetation which, insolent and uncontainable, makes the gaze idle on its little shoots that crack the cement. We have rejected the synthetic history in which they adore the machines that cover everything with thin and corrosive plastic layers. We are Luddites palpating with the earth and we decided to rename our reality. Continue reading

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Chile: “Abbreviated trial” against Adrián Díaz annuled; new trial to begin

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

The compañero Adrián Díaz was arrested on June 28, 2012 on being intercepted by civil police after the attack on a truck of the gendarmería (prison guards) during a student demonstration. Continue reading

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