‘A Little Fire to Dispel the Cold’ – Attack on BancoEstado next to the Justice Center in Santiago, Chile

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

The resurgence and strengthening of the discourse against the fantasy of terrorism will be, then, the backdrop on which legal processes are developed, with clear political interests, in which the State finds itself involving the controversial Anti-terrorist Law.
– Hans Niemeyer, “Requiem for the Passing Moon”

A Little Fire to Dispel the Cold

Tonight we have struck oblivion. We have decided to set fire to social normality (wrongly called “peace”) so that, for a few fucking minutes, attention is focused on our words.1 Continue reading

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Chile: Io Giuria arrested and charged for throwing a molotov cocktail

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

On June 13, 2013, in the middle of a student protest, Io Giuria was filmed hooded up throwing a molotov cocktail at a squad of special forces, then she was filmed by intelligence teams changing clothes and then arrested just for a disorder. On reviewing the police recordings, the police identified her and got an order put out for her arrest. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for ATM sabotages in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Spreading our rabid laughter, we keep making a fool of Power.

At midnight on July 14 we set off to several temples of money, “we howled to the moon,” and we walked with our black clothing in front of a police station and almost without hesitation we proceeded to execute our action. We disabled 8 ATMs on La Florida Avenue, including some of a BCI Bank, in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer, sentenced to almost 6 years in prison for the Arms Control Law and damages to property. Continue reading

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Chile: Prison letter from Victor Montoya Encina

941414_496768720378423_1633677928_nfrom materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Victor was imprisoned under the anti-terrorist law, accused of placing an explosive device on February 9 of this year. On that occasion a well deserved package was given to the cops of Las Vizcachas, but some despicable citizens had hallucinations of those responsible  … it is logical that what they may have seen closely was for them a demonstration of subordination to the State.

Victor has spent more than 130 days in prison without proof nor evidence… Continue reading

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Chile: Charges against a comrade caught on video for a molotov attack

foto_0120130621120348from refractario, transl waronsociety:

On June 13, 2013 during a student protest an encapuchada (hooded) youth attacked a squad of the repressive forces with a molotov cocktail.

The images were recorded from a building by the secret police of DIPOLCAR, the police videographer followed the encapuchada until she completely changed clothes under some trees far from the riots. Continue reading

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Chile: Words from Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste for June 11th

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Compas, in response to the event held in conjunction with the La Hiedra Library and ourselves (Autonomous Library Sante Geronimo Caserio), we spread the text written by compañeros inside prison for the event that happened on June 11, which is titled “Never Surrender,” with which we want bring to light the theme of long prison terms…

Without more, lets get to the words of the compas. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique from Adrián Díaz on solidarity and against the rumors

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

After being arrested on June 28, 2012, accused of attacking a prison guards’ truck with incendiary bombs, compañero Adrián took responsibility in an abbreviated trial; the lawyer for the prison guards managed to have the trial annuled, and presently Adrián is in the street awaiting a new trial. Continue reading

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Brazil: No to the eviction of Pantano Revida!

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Second Communique

To the compas,

Pantano Revida is commemorating 4 years of resistance, holding the days of July 8 to 14 as the “active week” not only as a festive moment, but as a moment of struggle for the practice of our ideas. Continue reading

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Chile: Hans Niemeyer sentenced to 5 years in prison

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

On July 12, 2013, compañero Hans Niemeyer was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for “transport of an explosive device,” under the Arms and Explosives Control Law, and to 10 months of prison for the crime of “damages,” all of this in the framework of the BCI Bank bombing in November 2011. Discounting the time he has already spent in prison, the total sentence would be approximately 4 years and 6 months. Continue reading

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Greece: Nikos Maziotis’s last statement to the courts

Note: This statement was signed October 2012, but it was read to the court by Maziotis’ lawyer in January 2013, while Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, both admitted members of Revolutionary Struggle, were underground. Both remain fugitives today.

translation by This Is Our Job:


I authorize my defense attorney Dafni Vagianou, who represents me, to read the following text during the upcoming phase requesting the statements of the defendants in the special court at Korydallos Prison chosen for the trial of the case of the Revolutionary Struggle organization, of which I am a member. Continue reading

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Brazil: Incendiary attack against three military police vehicles

None1from vivlaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Yesterday, two vehicles that were in the Public Security parking lot and seven dumpsters were burned.

At least two vehicles of the Military Police were burned on Monday in Porto Alegre. The vehicles were in the parking lot of the Office of Public Security on “volunteers of the fatherland” street in downtown. The fire was started at 1 am. Continue reading

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Mexico: Words from Mario Lopez, El Tripa, for Mauricio

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Make your bonfire, and we will sing for you there. Remember the days long ago when we were all one. The coyote medicine is your strength. The spirits of the earth are strong and are ready to help you… if you listen.

Warrior societies: now is the time. Find each other. Return home. Continue reading

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Chile: A day of hard battles between demonstrators and police (photos and videos)


The State is the school of crime.
They teach us to be slaves.
Not Public, Not Private: Libertarian

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

More than 100 arrested during the day and a demonstration that counted more than 100,000 participants, and 150 arrested in the night-time evictions of the schools, where the majority were minors. Continue reading

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Claim for the torching of a federal police car

from vivalaanarquia translated by waronsociety:

This rotten world has everything, the defenders of law and order are abundant, as well as those with authoritarian values who remind us of the police who control the streets we run down.

Continuing the insurrectionary path accompanied by the anarchists of praxis of the Black International, we struck a new blow to the security forces who stay awake to maintain the peace in this hypocritical society that guarantees the Argentine State. Continue reading

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